TIME DOTCOM BERHAD announced the Resignation of Mr. LEE GUAN HONG, age 48 as Executive Director. Date of change is November 28, 2022. Reason: Stepping down from the Board due to a realignment of the board and management roles within the Group.

Working experience and occupation: Mr. Lee Guan Hong ("Mr. Lee") has over 20 years of experience in the technology and telecommunications industry, moving up the management ranks in the last 21 years. Mr. Lee's career started off with a 2-year Information Technology stint in Malaysia. He went on to spend 6 years in a Singapore-based Internet Service Provider where he played a pivotal role in the company's regional expansion.

He joined DiGi.Com Berhad in 2004 and moved on to TIME in 2009, where since 9 March 2017 he has been an Executive Director of TIME dotCom Berhad.