Executive Committee: TotalEnergies SE

Positions heldSince
Patrick Pouyanné

Patrick Pouyanné

61 year

Chief Executive Officer 2014-10-21
Jean-Pierre Sbraire

Jean-Pierre Sbraire

59 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2019-07-31
Bernard Pinatel

Bernard Pinatel

62 year

Sales & Marketing 2024-08-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: TotalEnergies SE

Patrick Pouyanné

Patrick Pouyanné

61 year

Governance Committee 2021-05-19
Compensation Committee Chair 2022-05-18
Robert Hubbard

Robert Hubbard

66 year

Executive Committee
Governance Committee 2021-12-31
Governance Committee Chair 2011-08-25
Nominating Committee Chair 2011-08-25
Executive Committee Chair 2021-12-31
Audit Committee 2021-05-27
Nominating Committee 2021-12-31
Lise Croteau

Lise Croteau

64 year

Audit Committee Chair
Audit Committee 2022-04-30
HR Committee 2019-06-15
Governance Committee 2019-06-15
Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette

Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette

68 year

Compensation Committee 2011-05-12
Governance Committee Chair 2011-05-12
Nominating Committee
Audit Committee Chair
Jacques Aschenbroich

Jacques Aschenbroich

70 year

Governance Committee Chair 2017-05-22
Nominating Committee Chair 2017-05-22
Compensation Committee 2022-05-24
Governance Committee 2022-05-24
Marie-Ange Debon

Marie-Ange Debon

59 year

Audit Committee Chair 2018-02-20
Maria J. Arnoldina van der Hoeven

Maria J. Arnoldina van der Hoeven

75 year

Audit Committee Chair 2016-05-23
Mark Cutifani

Mark Cutifani

66 year

Compensation Committee Chair 2020-05-28
Romain Garcia-Ivaldi

Romain Garcia-Ivaldi

36 year

Audit Committee 2020-06-08
Angel Pobo

Angel Pobo

55 year

Compensation Committee 2022-05-24
Jean Lemierre

Jean Lemierre

74 year

Governance Committee 2016-05-23
Emma de Jonge

Emma de Jonge

61 year

Director/Board Member 2022-05-24
Dierk Paskert

Dierk Paskert

63 year

Director/Board Member 2023-05-25
Anelise Lara

Anelise Lara

63 year

Director/Board Member 2023-05-25

Former Officers and Directors: TotalEnergies SE

Positions held
Manoelle Lepoutre-Saint-M'leux
Manoelle Lepoutre-Saint-M'leux
Corporate Officer/Principal 2003-12-31 2021-12-31
Patrick Artus
Patrick Artus
Director/Board Member 2010-07-29 2021-05-27
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 2021-05-27
Patrick de la Chevardière
Patrick de la Chevardière
Director of Finance/CFO 2007-12-31 2019-07-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 1981-12-31 2007-12-31
Paul Guy Desmarais
Paul Guy Desmarais
Director/Board Member 2001-12-31 2016-12-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 2016-12-31
Thierry Desmarest
Thierry Desmarest
Director/Board Member 2015-12-17 2016-05-23
Chairman 2014-10-21 2015-12-17
Jean-Jacques Guilbaud
Jean-Jacques Guilbaud
Chief Administrative Officer 1980-12-31 -
Human Resources Officer 2009-11-05 2011-07-25
Corporate Secretary 2012-01-16 2012-07-05
Michel Pébereau
Michel Pébereau
Director/Board Member 2009-11-04 2015-05-28
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 2015-05-28
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 2009-11-04
Anne Marie Alice Lauvergeon
Anne Marie Alice Lauvergeon
Director/Board Member 2009-11-04 2015-05-28
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 2015-05-28
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-07-26 2011-07-31
Christophe de Margerie
Christophe de Margerie
Chief Executive Officer 2007-02-13 2014-10-19
Chairman 2010-05-20 2014-10-19
Peter Herbel
Peter Herbel
General Counsel - 2013-12-31
Claude Clément
Claude Clément
Director/Board Member 2010-05-23 2013-05-16
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-07-25 2013-05-16
Daniel Bouton
Daniel Bouton
Director/Board Member 2009-11-03 2012-05-10
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 2012-05-10
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 2009-11-03
Gérard André Marie Lamarche
Gérard André Marie Lamarche
Director/Board Member 2012-01-13 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-01-11 -
Jérôme Schmitt
Jérôme Schmitt
Treasurer 2011-07-31 2012-01-04
Bertrand de la Noue
Bertrand de la Noue
Investor Relations Contact 2011-07-26 2011-12-14
Public Communications Contact 2011-08-25 2011-12-14
Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier
Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier
Public Communications Contact 2011-09-30 -
Yves-Marie Dalibard
Yves-Marie Dalibard
Public Communications Contact 2011-07-25 2011-09-13
Barbara Kux
Barbara Kux
Director/Board Member 2011-07-05 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-05-12 -
Peter Keith Levene
Peter Keith Levene
Director/Board Member 2004-12-31 2004-12-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2004-12-31 2004-12-31
Lars-Gunnar Brock
Lars-Gunnar Brock
Director/Board Member 2010-05-23 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 -
Martin Deffontaines
Martin Deffontaines
Investor Relations Contact 2011-12-14 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-12-31 -
Thierry Reveau de Cyrieres
Thierry Reveau de Cyrieres
Corporate Secretary 2009-09-17 2009-09-17
Charles Paris de Bollardière
Charles Paris de Bollardière
Corporate Secretary 2009-09-14 -
Jean-Michel Gires
Jean-Michel Gires
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-05-31 2009-05-31
Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani
Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani
Director/Board Member - 2009-05-14
Jean Henry Pierre Privey
Jean Henry Pierre Privey
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-08-31 2008-08-31
Robert Castaigne
Robert Castaigne
Director of Finance/CFO 1993-12-31 2008-05-30
Claude Mandil
Claude Mandil
Director/Board Member 2009-11-04 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 -
Patricia Barbizet-Dussart
Patricia Barbizet-Dussart
Director/Board Member 2008-04-30 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2008-04-30 -
Francois Groh
Francois Groh
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-09-30 2007-09-30
Françoise Leroy
Françoise Leroy
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-12-31 -
Sveinung Svarte
Sveinung Svarte
Corporate Officer/Principal 1988-12-31 -
Bernard Polge de Combret
Bernard Polge de Combret
Corporate Officer/Principal 1977-12-31 2001-12-31
François Cornélis
François Cornélis
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-10-05 -
Thomas Reynolds
Thomas Reynolds
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 1999-12-31
Bertrand P. Collomb
Bertrand P. Collomb
Director/Board Member 2009-08-18 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-25 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 2009-08-18
Michael William Pearce
Michael William Pearce
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 -
Serge Tchuruk
Serge Tchuruk
Director/Board Member 1994-12-31 1994-12-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 1994-12-31 1994-12-31
Nathalie Brunelle-Soulas
Nathalie Brunelle-Soulas
Corporate Officer/Principal 1994-12-31 -
Iain McKendrick
Iain McKendrick
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-12-31 -
Jean-Paul Vettier
Jean-Paul Vettier
Corporate Officer/Principal 1989-12-31 -
Director/Board Member - -
Michel Bénézit
Michel Bénézit
Corporate Officer/Principal 1985-12-31 2010-06-02
Sales & Marketing 2010-06-02 -
Humbert de Wendel
Humbert de Wendel
Treasurer 2005-12-31 -
Jean-Claude Company
Jean-Claude Company
Corporate Officer/Principal 1979-12-31 -
Patrice de Viviès
Patrice de Viviès
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-08-04 -
Xavier de Maupeou d'Ableiges
Xavier de Maupeou d'Ableiges
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-05-16 -
Patrick Puy
Patrick Puy
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Karine Kaczka
Karine Kaczka
Public Communications Contact - -
Matthieu Got
Matthieu Got
Public Communications Contact - -
Laurent Kettenmeyer
Laurent Kettenmeyer
Public Communications Contact - -
Dominique Bonnet
Dominique Bonnet
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Menno Grouvel
Menno Grouvel
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jacques Porez
Jacques Porez
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Anthony Keith Yeats
Anthony Keith Yeats
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jean-Claude Dulac
Jean-Claude Dulac
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Donald J. FitzGerald
Donald J. FitzGerald
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Jean-Pierre Foehn
Jean-Pierre Foehn
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bruno Grieder
Bruno Grieder
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jean-Marc Jaubert
Jean-Marc Jaubert
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-07-25 -
Julien Maumont
Julien Maumont
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel Boeuf
Daniel Boeuf
Director/Board Member 2009-11-03 -
Pierre Vaillaud
Pierre Vaillaud
Director/Board Member 2009-11-04 -
Edwin de la Harpe Hertzog
Edwin de la Harpe Hertzog
Director/Board Member 2009-12-02 -
Colin Ivory
Colin Ivory
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Philip Gibb
Philip Gibb
Director/Board Member - -
Vincent Yves Francois Méary
Vincent Yves Francois Méary
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Norman Wood
Norman Wood
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
François Viaud
François Viaud
Human Resources Officer 2001-12-31 -
Jean-Jacques Mosconi
Jean-Jacques Mosconi
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-07-25 -
Jean-François Minster
Jean-François Minster
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2012-01-17 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-07-25 2012-01-17
Isabelle Desmet
Isabelle Desmet
Public Communications Contact - -
Jean-Michel Fonck
Jean-Michel Fonck
Corporate Officer/Principal 1967-12-31 -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 15
Female 8

Of which Executive Committee

Male 3
Female 0

Of which Directors

Male 9
Female 5


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo TotalEnergies SE
TotalEnergies SE is one of the leading worldwide oil groups. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - refining and chemistry (42.7%): refining of petroleum products (operated, at the end of 2023, 16 refineries throughout the world) and manufacture of basic chemistry (olefins, aromatics, polyethylene, fertilizer, etc.) and of specialty chemistry (rubber, resins, adhesives, etc.). The group is also operating in trading and sea transport of crude oil and oil products; - petroleum products distribution (37.9%): at the end of 2023 operated 14,571 service stations worldwide; - electricity generation (11.5%): from combined cycle gas plants and renewable energies; - gas production, trading, transport and distribution (5%): primarily liquefied natural gas (44.3 million tonnes sold in 2023), natural gas, biogas, hydrogen, liquefied petroleum gas, etc.; - hydrocarbon operating and production (2.8%): 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent produced per day in 2023; - other (0.1%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: France (23.4%), Europe (41.2%), North America (9.4%), Africa (9.2%) and other (16.8%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Christophe de Margerie
Christophe de Margerie

Chief Executive Officer

2007-02-13 2014-10-19

Thierry Desmarest
Thierry Desmarest


2014-10-21 2015-12-17