Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this Form of Acceptance, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Form of Acceptance.

香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本接納表格的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明 確表示概不就因本接納表格全部或任何部分內容而產生或因依賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。

This document is the Form of Acceptance referred to in the composite scheme document addressed to the Scheme Shareholders and the Optionholders dated 8 October 2019 (the "Scheme Document") for use by the Optionholders to declare their choice in respect of the Option Offer. You should read it in conjunction with the Scheme Document and the Option Offer Letter sent by CEIEC (H.K.) Limited dated 8 October 2019 in relation to the Option Offer.

本文件乃日期為二零一九年十月八日發出予計劃股東及購股權持有人的綜合計劃文件(「計劃文件」)所述的接納表格,以供購股權持有 人使用,聲明彼等關於購股權要約的選擇。 閣下應將本文件連同計劃文件及華電有限公司就購股權要約的日期為二零一九年十月八日 發出之購股權要約函件一併閱讀。

Terms defined in the Scheme Document have the same meanings in this Form of Acceptance. 計劃文件所界定的詞彙於本接納表格具有相同涵義。

This Form of Acceptance is being released on the Singapore Exchange at the same time as its release on the Stock Exchange. 本接納表格於聯交所發佈,同時亦於新加坡交易所發佈。





(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)



(Stock Code: 903)







私有化冠捷科技有限公司 購股權要約的接納表格

If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this Form of Acceptance or as to the action to be taken, you should consult a licensed securities dealer or registered institution in securities, a bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional advisor.

閣下如對本接納表格任何方面或應採取的行動有任何疑問,應諮詢 閣下的持牌證券交易商或證券註冊機構、銀行經理、律師、專業會 計師或其他專業顧問。

You should return the completed Form of Acceptance to the Human Resources department of TPV at 1F No. 226, Liancheng, Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23553, Taiwan (R.O.C) and marked "TPV Technology Limited - Option Offer", by no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 12 November 2019 (or such later date and time as may be notified to you by the Offeror and TPV or by way of joint announcement by the Offeror and TPV on the website of the Stock Exchange).

閣下應於填妥接納表格後不遲於二零一九年十一月十二日(星期二)下午四時三十分(或要約人及冠捷可能通知 閣下的或要約人及冠捷 通過於聯交所網站聯合刊發公告的方式可能通知 閣下的有關較後日期及時間)交回冠捷人力資源部,地址為台灣(中華民國)新北市 23553中和區連城路2261樓,並註明「冠捷科技有限公司-購股權要約」。

Before returning the Form of Acceptance to the Human Resources department of TPV, please ensure that you have completed and signed the Form of Acceptance and that your signature has been witnessed.

向冠捷人力資源部交回接納表格前,請確保 閣下已填妥及簽署接納表格,而 閣下的簽署亦經見證。

To: The Offeror, TPV and CICC 致:要約人、冠捷及中金

With reference to the Option Offer set out in the Option Offer Letter from the Offeror dated 8 October 2019, I hereby declare my choice in respect of the Option Offer by ticking the relevant box below in respect of ALL the Share Options that I hold as at the Option Offer Record Date on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Option Offer (Note 1) :

參照要約人日期為二零一九年十月八日的購股權要約函件所載的購股權要約,本人謹此按照購股權要約所載的條款及條件,就本人於 購股權要約記錄日期持有的全部購股權在下列有關空欄加上「」,以聲明本人就購股權要約的選擇(附註1





  • For identification purposes only


By signing and returning this Form of Acceptance, I: 本接納表格一經簽署及交回,即表示本人:

  1. confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of the Option Offer (including, without limitation, those set out
    in the Option Offer Letter and this Form of Acceptance), and that I have received the Scheme Document and the Option Offer Letter;
    確認本人已閱讀、理解及同意購股權要約的條款及條件(包括但不限於購股權要約函件及本接納表格所載者),以及本人已收到計 劃文件及購股權要約函件;
  2. confirm that each Share Option in respect of which I accept the Option Offer is valid and subsisting, free from all liens, charges, mortgages and
    third party interests of any nature whatsoever;
  3. acknowledge that I cease to have any rights or obligations, and waive all rights and claims against any party (including the Offeror and TPV), in respect of such Share Option (including any Share Option for which I am only entitled to receive a nominal amount of cash consideration of HK$0.00001 per Share Options, because the exercise price of the relevant Share Option exceeds the Cancellation Price) I hold in respect of which I accept the Option Offer, and I agree that all rights and obligations under all Share Options held by me in respect of which I accept the
    Option Offer will be cancelled;
    承認本人不再就本人持有涉及本人接納購股權要約的所有購股權(包括由於有關購股權的行使價高於註銷價以致本人僅有權收取 象徵性現金代價每份購股權0.00001港元的任何購股權)擁有任何權利或義務並就此放棄針對任何人士(包括要約人及冠捷)的一切 權利及索償,且本人同意本人持有涉及本人接納購股權要約的所有購股權項下的一切權利與義務將被註銷;
  4. confirm that any acceptance of the Option Offer cannot be withdrawn or altered;
  5. authorise TPV and the Offeror, jointly and severally, or any director or officer of TPV or the Offeror or any agent of such person to do all acts and things and to execute any document as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to or in consequence of my acceptance of the Option Offer, and I hereby undertake to execute any further assurance that may be required in respect of such acceptance (including consenting to TPV, the Board or the Offeror, as applicable, exercising its rights to amend the terms of my Share Options such that they may be transferred
    to the Offeror); and
    授權冠捷及要約人共同及個別地,或冠捷或要約人的任何董事或高級職員或該人士的任何代理人作出一切行為及事宜,以及簽立 為使購股權要約有效或因本人接納購股權要約而可能必要或適當的任何文件;而本人謹此承諾簽立就該項接納而可能需要簽署的 任何其他保證書(包括同意冠捷、董事會或要約人(如適用)行使其權利以修訂本人購股權的條款以便有關購股權可轉讓予要約人);
  6. undertake to confirm and ratify any action properly or lawfully taken on my behalf by any attorney or agent appointed by or pursuant to the
    Option Offer Letter or this Form of Acceptance.
    承諾確認及追認根據或依據購股權要約函件或本接納表格所委任的任何受權人或代理人代表本人適當地或合法地採取的任何行 動。

This Form of Acceptance is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. 本接納表格受香港法例規管並須按其詮釋。

Dated this

day of



Signed by the Optionholder in the presence of:


Name of witness


Signature of the Optionholder


(Note 3)


(Note 2)


Signature of witness (Note 3) 見證人簽署(附註3

Address of witness 見證人地址

Occupation of witness 見證人職業



  1. This Form of Acceptance is subject to the terms and conditions of the Option Offer as set out in the Option Offer Letter sent by the Offeror dated 8 October 2019 in relation to the Option Offer. The Option Offer is made in respect of your (i) unvested Share Options that you hold as at the Option Offer Record Date and (ii) vested Share Options that you hold as at the Option
    Offer Record Date, in respect of which the underlying Shares are not registered in your name (or in the name of your nominee holding for your behalf) as at the Record Date.
    本接納表格受由要約人就購股權要約寄發的日期為二零一九年十月八日的購股權要約函件所載的購股權要約條款及條件所規限。購股權要約乃就 閣下(i) 於購股權要約記 錄日期所持有的未歸屬購股權及(ii) 於購股權要約記錄日期所持有而相關股份於記錄日期並未登記於 閣下名下(或以 閣下代名人的名義代表 閣下持有)的已歸屬購股權 作出。
  2. Please sign at the place indicated to signify your choice in respect of the Option Offer and/or insert the date of signing. If you fail to sign and return the Form of Acceptance to the Offeror as instructed above, you will be treated as not having accepted the Option Offer in respect of all of the Share Options you hold as at the Option Offer Record Date notwithstanding completion
    of the other parts of this Form of Acceptance.
    請於所指明的地方簽署,以表明 閣下就購股權要約的選擇及或填寫簽署日期。儘管 閣下填妥接納表格的其他部分,倘 閣下並無按照上述指示簽署接納表格並交回要 約人,則 閣下將被視為並未就 閣下於購股權要約記錄日期持有的全部購股權接納購股權要約。
  3. The witness must be physically present when you sign this Form of Acceptance. The witness should be an individual but should not be a close relative of yours, a minor, a bankrupt or a
    person of unsound mind.
    閣下簽署本接納表格時,見證人必須親身在場。見證人應為個人,但不得為 閣下的近親、未成年人士、破產或精神不健全的人士。
  4. You are recommended to consult your professional adviser if you are in any doubt as to the taxation implications of the Option Offer and, in particular, whether the receipt of the consideration under the Option Offer will make you liable to taxation in Hong Kong or in other jurisdictions. If you are not resident in Hong Kong, the acceptance of the Option Offer or the receipt of the consideration for acceptance of the Option Offer may be subject to the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in which you are located. You should inform yourself about and observe any applicable legal and regulatory requirements. If you wish to accept the Option Offer, it is your responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the full observance of the laws of your own jurisdiction in connection therewith, including the obtaining of any governmental or exchange control or other consents which may be required, or the compliance with other necessary
    formalities and the payment of any issue, transfer or other taxes due in such jurisdiction.
    閣下如對購股權要約的稅務影響有任何疑問,尤其是收取購股權要約的代價是否會令 閣下須繳納香港或其他司法權區的稅項方面的疑問,應諮詢專業顧問。倘 閣下並非 居於香港,則接納購股權要約或就接納購股權要約收取代價可能須遵從 閣下所在有關司法權區的法例。 閣下應自行了解及遵守任何適用法律及監管規定。 閣下如有 意接納購股權要約,則有責任自行全面遵守有關司法權區就此方面的法例,包括按規定取得任何政府、外匯管制或其他方面的同意,或辦理其他必要的正式手續及支付 閣 下於該司法權區所應繳的任何發行、轉讓或其他稅項。


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TPV Technology Ltd. published this content on 08 October 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 October 2019 23:41:03 UTC