The real estate company Hemsö has entered into a 20-year lease agreement with Forenede Care to develop a new nursing home in Trelleborg, according to a press release.

The home, which will be built on the Hjorten 14 property, will have a lettable area of 4,500 square meters and 60 beds. Construction is scheduled to start in spring 2025 and occupancy is expected in May 2027.

- "We are pleased to be underway with this long-awaited nursing home in a growing Trelleborg," says Jakob Schuster, project developer at Hemsö.

The property will include solar panels and be environmentally certified according to Miljöbyggnad Guld.

- "We can't wait to open the doors to what I know will be a happy home for the people who move here," comments Peter Nilsson, Property and Establishment Manager at Forenede Care.