Share class: Trina Solar Co., Ltd.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A12,179,365,3281,073,171,547 ( 49.24 %) 0 49.24 %

Major shareholders: Trina Solar Co., Ltd.

Ji Fan Gao
37.38 %
713,968,644 37.38 % 2 404 M ¥
Xingyin Growth Capital Management Co., Ltd.
12.21 %
233,247,120 12.21 % 785 M ¥
GF Fund Management Co., Ltd.
8.873 %
169,461,404 8.873 % 570 M ¥
Chunyan Wu
6.433 %
122,855,128 6.433 % 414 M ¥
Jiangsu Suishou Information Technology Co. Ltd.
5.800 %
110,782,815 5.800 % 373 M ¥
China Asset Management Co., Ltd.
5.179 %
98,910,305 5.179 % 333 M ¥
Jiangsu Qinghai Investment Co Ltd.
1.841 %
35,156,527 1.841 % 118 M ¥
Huatai-PineBridge Fund Management Co., Ltd.
1.636 %
31,253,026 1.636 % 105 M ¥
Beijing Bangda Runtong Investment Consulting Co. Ltd.
1.138 %
21,742,600 1.138 % 73 M ¥
Tian Hong Asset Management Co., Ltd.
0.7998 %
15,274,755 0.7998 % 51 M ¥
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Individuals 43.83%
China 39.93%
Hong Kong 0.05%
Sweden 0.01%
United Kingdom 0.01%
Norway 0.01%
Ireland 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Trina Solar Co., Ltd.
Trina Solar Co., Ltd. specialises in the design, manufacture and marketing of photovoltaic panels for industrial, commercial and residential applications. The group also carries out large-scale photovoltaic projects.
More about the company