practice, TUI AG voluntarily puts individual resolutions approving the actions of each Executive and Supervisory Board member to the AGM 
resolving on the annual financial statements for the previous year. TUI AG intends to continue this practice. 
The end of appointment periods for Supervisory Board members are disclosed in the table from page 102. Current curricula vitae of all 
Executive and Supervisory Board members are published at 
Board performance evaluation (Principle L and Provision 21) 
The performance of each individual Executive Board member is evaluated annually by the Supervisory Board for the annual performance-based 
remuneration. In this context, the Supervisory Board also reviews the individual member's overall performance as part of the Executive 
Board. However, no external performance evaluation is done for the Executive Board. 
It is not customary to conduct annual reviews of the Supervisory Board's efficiency. Each Supervisory Board member can give feedback to 
the Chairman, the Deputy Chairmen or the Supervisory Board as a whole as and when appropriate or required. 
External evaluation, which includes the work of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, is performed by means of individual interviews and 
anonymous reviews. Executive Board members are invited to contribute to the process. Consolidated results are shared with the entire 
Supervisory Board and appropriate actions are suggested and discussed as appropriate. The last external review of the Supervisory Board 
was undertaken in 2015 by Board Consultants International. Board Consultants International has no other connection with TUI AG. Due to 
the forthcoming change in the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board, an internal efficiency audit was conducted at the end of 2018, which 
was accompanied by a notary of GÖHMANN Rechtsanwälte und Notare to ensure anonymity. At its last meeting on 12 September 2019, the 
Supervisory Board, now chaired by Dr Dieter Zetsche, dealt with the measures derived from the results of the efficiency audit. Due to the 
change in the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board, no efficiency review was planned for 2019. Rather, the Supervisory Board 
concentrated on implementing the measures derived from the efficiency review. The Supervisory Board discussed this issue and decided to 
return to the subject of external efficiency audits in 2020, after an appropriate number of meetings had been held under the chairmanship 
of Dr Dieter Zetsche. Due to the COVID-19-pandemic, the efficiency audit (currently under the DCGK self-assessment) was conducted 
internally at the end of September 2020. It is planned that the Supervisory Board will deal with the results and any measures to be 
derived from them in December 2020. 
Nomination Committee - Section in the Annual Report (Provision 23) 
For the activities of the Nomination Committee, see page 11 which is part of the Chairman's letter to shareholders. The succession 
planning approach is outlined on page 113. The policy on diversity and inclusion can be found on page 86 and 112. For evaluation of the 
performance of the board, see above. 
Composition of the Audit Committee (Provision 24) 
Neither German law nor the German Corporate Governance Code stipulates that the Chairman of the Supervisory Board should not be a member 
of the audit committee and that the audit committee may only consist of independent members. The audit committee consists of Dr Dieter 
Zetsche as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Mr Vladimir Lukin, who is not considered to be independent. TUI AG therefore does not 
fully meet the requirements of the UK CGC, but is of the opinion that the current composition of the audit committee ensures reliable 
work based on experience. 
Fair, balanced and understandable Annual Report & Accounts (Provision 27) 
In a German stock corporation the Executive Board is responsible for drafting the Annual Report & Accounts (ARA). According to section 
243 (2) of the German Commercial Act (HGB) the ARA must be clearly arranged and should present a realistic picture of the Company's 
economic situation. This is equivalent to the UK Code requirement for the ARA to be fair, balanced and understandable. Although this 
assessment has not been delegated to the Audit Committee, the Executive Board is convinced that this ARA satisfies both requirements. 
Establishment and operation of Remuneration Committee (Provision 32, 34 and 41) 
In the German governance structure there is no separate Remuneration Committee. The remuneration of the Executive Board is under 
involvement of the employee representatives monitored and agreed by the Supervisory Board based on recommendations from the Presiding 
Committee, which is governed by the Supervisory Board Terms of Reference. 
Supervisory Board remuneration and the remuneration of Board Committee members is governed by the Articles of Association as resolved on 
by the shareholders at the AGM. 
See the Directors' Remuneration Report from page 117 for full details on Executive and Supervisory Board member's remuneration. 
Notice periods for Executive Directors (Provision 39) 
In accordance with the customary practice in Germany members of the Executive Board are generally appointed for a term of three to five 
years. The appointments of respective members of the Executive Board were extended by three years in financial year 2020. This is not yet 
fully in line with the UK CGC recommendation that notice periods or contract terms should be set at one year or less. However, the 
contracts include maximum limits on the amounts payable on termination. 
See Remuneration Report from page 117. 
Further information on Corporate Governance 
Functioning of the Executive and Supervisory Boards 
TUI AG is a company under German law. One of the fundamental principles of German stock corporation law is the dual management system 
involving two bodies, the Executive Board in charge of managing the company and the Supervisory Board in charge of monitoring the 
company. TUI AG's Executive Board and Supervisory Board cooperate closely and in a spirit of trust in managing and overseeing the 
Company, with strict separation between the two bodies in terms of their membership and competences. Both bodies are obliged to ensure 
the continued existence of the Company and sustainable creation of added value in harmony with the principles of the social market 
TUI AG's Executive Board comprised six members as at the closing date 30 September 2020. The Executive Board is responsible for managing 
the Company's business operations in the interests of the Company. The Executive Board works on the basis of terms of reference issued by 
the Supervisory Board. The allocation of functions and responsibilities to individual Board members is presented in a separate section. 
For functions, see tables 'Supervisory Board and Executive Board' on page 102 et seq. 
In accordance with the law and the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board had 20 members at the balance sheet date, i. e. 30 
September 2020. As the oversight body, the Supervisory Board provided on-going advice and supervision for the Executive Board in managing 
the Company in financial year 2020, as required by the law, the Articles of Association and its own Terms of Reference. The Supervisory 
Board is involved in strategic and planning decisions and all decisions of fundamental importance to the Company. When the Executive 
Board takes decisions on major transactions, such as the annual budget, major acquisitions or divestments, it is required by its terms of 
reference to seek the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board coordinates the work in the Supervisory 
Board, chairs its meetings and represents the concerns of the body externally. The Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee have adopted 
terms of reference for their own work. The Terms of Reference of the Supervisory Board are available on the company's website. 
For further details, please refer to the Report of the Supervisory Board on page 11. 
TUI AG has taken out a D&O insurance policy with an appropriate deductible for all members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. 
The deductible amounts to 10 % of the loss up to the amount of one and a half times the fixed annual compensation. 
Composition of the Supervisory Board 
TUI AG falls within the scope of the German Industrial Co-Determination Act (MitbestG). The Supervisory Board is therefore composed of an 
equal number of shareholder representatives and employee represe­n­tative. Employee representatives within the meaning of the Act include 
a senior manager (section 5 (3) of the German Works Constitution Act) and three trade union representatives. 
The composition of the Supervisory Board in financial year 2020 ensured that its members as a group had the knowledge, ability and expert 
experience required to properly complete their tasks. The goals set by the Supervisory Board itself for its composition include in 
particular comprehensive industry knowledge, at least five independent shareholder representatives, at least five members with 
international experience, and diversity (see also the diversity concepts for the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board from page 112 
of this report). 
Twelve members of the Supervisory Board had considerable international experience. Due to the different professional experiences of its 
members, the composition of the Supervisory Board overall reflects a great diversity of relevant experience, ability and industry 
knowhow. None of the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board had any commercial or personal relationship with the Company, 
its Executive Board or third parties that might cause a material clash of interests. Seven shareholder representatives are independent 
(including the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who can be included in the count according to the German Corporate Governance Code). 

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December 10, 2020 01:04 ET (06:04 GMT)