IP Infusion announced that Turkcell, validated IP Infusion’s OcNOS® Optical Transport Solution in a Telecom Infra Project (TIP) test on the Turkcell network. The test of IP Infusion’s disaggregated networking solution for optical networks was the first trial of open networking in Turkey and verified that the solution is able to fulfill Turkcell’s requirements for reliable and high-speed data transfer. TIP’s Cassini Open Optical Packet Transport solution, supported by OcNOS as the network operating system and Edgecore Networks hardware, is being evaluated by various telecommunications companies around the world to confirm that the solution’s flexible, scalable and reliable infrastructure will meet the increasing fiber communications needs of the rapidly digitalizing world. The Turkcell test was carried out within their network of Gebze data centers. This new solution, tested by Turkcell, uses a programmable and decoupled network architecture, unlike conventional optical network technologies. The new architecture used allows individual components on the fiber optic network to be developed separately, in contrast to the classical integrated approach. In this way, solutions from different hardware and software manufacturers can be brought together and flexible solutions can be offered according to needs.