UniCredit S.p.A. today announced the appointment of Serenella De Candia as Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) of the Group starting December 1st 2020. Serenella, previously in charge of the Internal Audit function, will take over the CCO role from Carlo Appetiti who - on behalf of UniCredit Group - will be working on a project aimed at actively supporting the Italian Economy.

Guglielmo Zadra, currently Head of Group Regulatory Affairs, will be promoted from December 1st succeeding Serenella De Candia as Head of Internal Audit.

Cesare Bisoni, Chairman of UniCredit, said: 'On behalf of the Board, I would like to offer Serenella and Guglielmo the warmest welcome to their new roles. I am glad we selected internal candidates who will be able to be effective from day one given their deep knowledge and understanding of our Group.'

Jean Pierre Mustier, UniCredit Chief Executive Officer, said: 'I would like to congratulate Serenella on her new appointment: I know that thanks to her background in audit, she will further strengthen the Compliance function. Guglielmo, with his deep knowledge of the Group and his diversified experience in the financial and risk areas, will continue the successful evolution of the internal audit function. On behalf of the Management Team I would also like to thank Carlo for his commitment over the past years; Carlo has been with the Group since 2013 becoming Chief Compliance Officer in December 2014, providing a continuous stimulus to the growth of Compliance Culture within the Group, aligned with international best practices. Carlo will be joining an important new initiative which we support as a Group and where I know he will make a relevant and positive contribution.'

After starting her career at Arthur Andersen in the audit sector, Serenella De Candia,, joined UniCredit in 2000, enjoying increasing responsibility in the area of internal audit. After an interim period as Head of Internal Audit in the Mediolanum group between 2008 and 2010, she re-joined the UniCredit Group in 2011, continuing her professional path which led her to become Chief Audit Executive of the Group in September 2016.

After having worked in London in the audit and investment banking area between 1997 and 2008, Guglielmo Zadra, joined UniCredit in 2008 as Head of Group Planning and Strategy before moving to the risk function. Between 2016 and April 2020 he served as a member of the Management Board and CFO of UniCredit Bank AG in Germany. Since May 2020 he has been in charge of Group Regulatory Affairs.

Milan, 4 November 2020


UniCredit Media Relations

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UniCredit S.p.A. published this content on 04 November 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 November 2020 17:25:03 UTC