Table of Content
Table of Content
Statement of Income
P&L EBIT Reconciliation Matrix
Balance Sheet Asset
Balance Sheet Liabilities
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Changes in Equity
EBIT Reconciliation
Net Debt
Segment Information
Sales by Segment and Product
Adjusted EBIT
Adjusted net income
Financial Results
Fin. Liabilities by Segment
Leases in GuV
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Financial and Non-Financial Indicators for the Uniper Group¹
Unit 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Power purchases and owned generation Billion kWh 467.9 558.0 616.8 709.0 728.2
Electricity sales Billion kWh 465.3 552.9 612.7 707.0 725.9
Gas volume sold Billion kWh 2,258.5 2,205.9 2,179.3 2,019.3 1,944.8
Direct fuel-derived carbon emissions Million t CO₂ 50.9 42.6 47.0 59.5 63.3
Carbon intensity² g/kWh 454 453 445 499 506
Sales € in millions 163,979 50,968 65,804 91,813 72,238
Adjusted EBIT³ € in millions 1,187 998 863 865 1,114
For informational purposes: Adjusted EBITDA³ € in millions 1,856 1,657 1,561 1,543 1,741
Net income/loss € in millions -4,106 402 644 -442 -538
Earnings per share⁴ ⁵ -11.39 1.08 1.67 -1.10 -1.79
Dividend proposal / Dividend per share⁴ 0.07 1.37 1.15 0.90 0.74
Cash provided by operating activities (operating cash flow) € in millions 3,621 1,241 932 1,241 1,385
Adjusted net income³ ⁶ € in millions 906 774 614 N/A N/A
Investments € in millions 720 743 657 642 843
Growth € in millions 329 406 297 325 451
Maintenance and replacement € in millions 392 336 361 317 392
Economic net debt⁷ € in millions 324 3,050 2,650 2,509 2,445
Employees as of the reporting date 11,494 11,751 11,532 11,780 12,180
Proportion of female employees % 25.4 25.2 24.6 24.2 23.9
Average age Years 45 45 45 44 44
Employee turnover rate % 4.4 3.7 4.5 4.7 5.0
¹Comparative disclosures are not restated when the scope of consolidation changes. ²Uniper's carbon intensity is defined as the ratio between direct fossil-fuel-derived CO₂ emissions from electricity and heat generation from Uniper's fully consolidated stationary facilities (financial control approach) and Uniper's generation volume. This indicator does not include facilities that produce only heat and/or steam. ³Adjusted for non-operating effects. ⁴Basis: outstanding shares as of reporting date. ⁵For the respective fiscal year. ⁶Adjusted net income is used as a management indicator for the entire Group for the first time beginning in 2020. The figure for 2019 is disclosed solely for informational purposes to provide year-over-year comparability. ⁷The line item "Margining receivables" contains additional securities beginning on 30 June 2021. Economic net debt as of December 31, 2020, has been adjusted for consistency. Additional information on this topic can be found in the Financial Condition section of the annual statement.
Statement of Income
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Uniper Consolidated Statement of Income
€ in millions Note 2021 2020
Sales including electricity and energy taxes 164,259 51,291
Electricity and energy taxes -281 -324
Sales (5) 163,979 50,968
Changes in inventories (finished goods and work in progress) -11 -83
Own work capitalized (6) 100 93
Other operating income (7) 130,817 24,578
Cost of materials (8) -157,012 -48,710
Personnel costs (11) -1,200 -1,012
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (15) -1,306 -1,077
Other operating expenses (7) -140,288 -24,196
Income from companies accounted for under the equity method (16) 46 48
Income/Loss before financial results and taxes -4,876 608
Financial results (9) 262 -67
Net income/loss from equity investments 7 -9
Interest and similar income 158 121
Interest and similar expenses -134 -349
Other financial results 231 171
Income taxes (10) 507 -139
Net income/loss -4,106 402
Attributable to shareholders of Uniper SE -4,169 397
Attributable to non-controlling interests 63 6
Earnings per share (attributable to shareholders of Uniper SE) - basic and diluted (13)
From continuing operations -11.39 1.08
From net income/loss -11.39 1.08
P&L EBIT Reconciliation Matrix
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Matrix for Reconciliation of Income/Loss before Financial Results and Taxes 2021¹
Adjustments of items of income/loss before financial results and taxes to adjusted EBIT
€ in millions Income statement items Net book gains (-) / losses (+) FV meas- ure- ment of deriv- atives Adj. of reve- nues and cost of materials Restruc- turing² Misc. other non-op. earnings Impair- ment charges/ reversals³ Total adjust- ments Income from equity invest- ments⁴ Components of adjusted EBIT
Sales including electricity and energy taxes 164,259 - - -57,872 - - - -57,872 - 106,387
Electricity and energy taxes -281 - - - - - - - - -281
Sales 163,979 - - -57,872 - - - -57,872 - 106,106
Changes in inventories (finished goods and work in progress) -11 - - - - - - - - -11
Own work capitalized 100 - - - - - - - - 100
Other operating income 130,817 -17 -117,779 - - -136 -594 -118,526 - 12,291
Cost of materials -157,012 - - 54,778 - 148 - 54,925 - -102,087
Personnel costs -1,200 - - - 159 -2 - 156 - -1,044
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges -1,306 - - - 2 - 633 635 - -671
Other operating expenses -140,288 8 126,562 - -3 129 40 126,735 - -13,553
For informational purposes: Subtotal of adjusted EBIT components before income from equity-method accounting and from equity investments N/A - - - - - - 0 - 1,132
Income from companies accounted for under the equity method 46 - - - - - - 0 - 46
For calculation purposes: Income from equity investments⁴ N/A - - - - - 2 2 7 9
Reconciliation of income/loss before financial results and taxes to adjusted EBIT (summarized) -4,876 -9 8,783 -3,095 158 137 81 6,056 7 1,187
¹Owing to the adjustments made, the earnings items shown here may differ from the figures determined in accordance with IFRS. A reconciliation of income/loss before financial results and taxes prepared in compliance with the Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures published by the European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA) is provided in note 32 to the annual financial statements. ²Expenses for (and income from) restructuring and cost management in the Global Commodities segment included depreciation and amortization of €2 million in the 2021 fiscal year (2020: €5 million). ³Non-operating impairment charges/reversals consist of non-operating impairment charges and reversals triggered by regular impairment tests. The total of the non-operating impairment charges/reversals and economic depreciation and amortization/reversals differs from the depreciation, amortization and impairment charges reported in the income statement, since the two items also include impairment charges on companies accounted for under the equity method and other financial assets; in addition, a small portion is included in restructuring/cost-management expenses and in miscellaneous other non-operating earnings. ⁴In the income statement according to IFRS, income from equity investments is part of financial results, which are not shown in this matrix, and is added as a component of adjusted EBIT. The presentation within the items of the income statement that make up income/loss before financial results and taxes is used in this matrix solely to determine adjusted EBIT.
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Uniper Consolidated Statement of Recognized Income and Expenses
€ in millions 2021 2020
Net income/loss -4,106 402
Remeasurements of equity investments -69 177
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 392 -327
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans of companies accounted for under the equity method - -2
Income taxes -122 107
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement 201 -46
Cash flow hedges -175 2
Unrealized changes -173 5
Reclassification adjustments recognized in income -2 -2
Currency translation adjustments 169 -687
Unrealized changes 169 -686
Reclassification adjustments recognized in income - -1
Companies accounted for under the equity method -1 2
Unrealized changes 1 -1
Reclassification adjustments recognized in income -2 3
Income taxes 54 -
Items that might be reclassified subsequently to the income statement 46 -683
Total income and expenses recognized directly in equity 247 -729
Total recognized income and expenses (total comprehensive income) -3,859 -326
Attributable to shareholders of Uniper SE -3,946 -220
Attributable to non-controlling interests 88 -106
Balance Sheet Asset
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Uniper Consolidated Balance Sheet
€ in millions Note Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020
Goodwill (14), (17) 1,783 1,751
Intangible assets (14), (17) 708 734
Property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets (15), (17) 10,055 9,769
Companies accounted for under the equity method (16), (17) 322 380
Other financial assets (18) 859 926
Equity investments 747 827
Non-current securities 111 98
Financial receivables and other financial assets (20) 4,065 4,047
Receivables from derivative financial instruments (20) 16,913 2,723
Other operating assets and contract assets (20) 247 182
Deferred tax assets (10) 2,121 1,061
Non-current assets 37,074 21,572
Inventories (19) 1,849 1,166
Financial receivables and other financial assets (20) 8,131 1,128
Trade receivables (20) 11,629 6,522
Receivables from derivative financial instruments (20) 64,732 7,284
Other operating assets and contract assets (20) 1,875 1,999
Income tax assets (10) 33 23
Liquid funds (21) 2,966 289
Assets held for sale (4) 108 239
Current assets 91,323 18,650
Total assets 128,397 40,222
Balance Sheet Liabilities
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Uniper Consolidated Balance Sheet
€ in millions Note Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020
Equity and liabilities
Capital stock (22) 622 622
Additional paid-in capital (22) 10,825 10,825
Retained earnings (22) -1,388 3,082
Accumulated other comprehensive income -3,756 -3,778
Equity attributable to shareholders of Uniper SE 6,303 10,751
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests (22) 485 437
Equity 6,788 11,188
Financial liabilities and liabilities from leases (25) 1,655 1,027
Liabilities from derivative financial instruments (25) 16,336 2,477
Other operating liabilities and contract liabilities (25) 260 193
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations (23) 1,065 1,371
Miscellaneous provisions (24) 6,346 5,657
Deferred tax liabilities (10) 433 333
Non-current liabilities 26,094 11,056
Financial liabilities and liabilities from leases¹ (25) 7,320 716
Trade payables (25) 11,568 6,804
Liabilities from derivative financial instruments (25) 70,397 7,550
Other operating liabilities and contract liabilities (25) 1,443 1,153
Income taxes (10) 425 95
Miscellaneous provisions (24) 4,361 1,456
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale (4) - 205
Current liabilities 95,514 17,977
Total equity and liabilities 128,397 40,222
¹As of December 31, 2021, this item includes an amount of €4,300 million in liabilities that Uniper plans to repay within the next twelve months, but for which Uniper has the option to manage the funds in line with financing requirements and, therefore, not to repay them until after 12 months. Further details can be found in Notes 25 and 29. These liabilities did not exist in the previous year.
Statement of Cash Flows
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Uniper Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows¹
€ in millions 2021 2020
Net income/loss -4,106 402
Depreciation, amortization and impairment of intangible assets, of property, plant and equipment, and of right-of-use assets 1,306 1,077
Changes in provisions 3,398 103
Changes in deferred taxes -1,051 21
Other non-cash income and expenses -647 -369
Gain/Loss on disposal of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, equity investments and securities (> 3 months) -11 10
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment -5 14
Equity investments -4 -5
Securities (> 3 months) -2 -
Changes in operating assets and liabilities and in income taxes 4,731 -3
Inventories -655 301
Trade receivables -5,087 496
Other operating receivables and income tax assets -71,352 2,533
Trade payables 289 -333
Other operating liabilities and income taxes 81,537 -3,000
Cash provided by operating activities (operating cash flow) 3,621 1,241
Proceeds from disposal of 65 83
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 18 12
Equity investments 47 71
Purchases of investments in -720 -743
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment -708 -725
Equity investments -12 -17
Proceeds from disposal of securities (> 3 months) and of financial receivables and fixed-term deposits 498 596
Purchases of securities (> 3 months) and of financial receivables and fixed-term deposits -7,362 -1,064
Cash provided by investing activities -7,520 -1,128
Cash proceeds/payments arising from changes in capital structure² -7 4
Cash dividends paid to shareholders of Uniper SE -501 -421
Cash dividends paid to other shareholders -38 -28
Proceeds from new financial liabilities 8,978 450
Repayments of financial liabilities and reduction of outstanding lease liabilities -1,871 -684
Cash provided by financing activities 6,561 -679
Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents 2,663 -566
Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents 14 -18
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 243 825
Cash and cash equivalents of first-time consolidated companies - 1
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 2,919 243
Supplementary information on cash flows from operating activities
Income tax payments -215 -91
Interest paid -69 -59
Interest received 51 33
Dividends received 52 56
¹Note 28 contains additional information on the Statement of Cash Flows.
²No material netting has taken place in either of the periods presented here.
Statement of Changes in Equity
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Statement of Changes in Equity
€ in millions Accumulated other comprehensive income that might be reclassified subsequently to the income statement
Capital stock Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings Currency translation adjustments Cash flow hedges Equity attributable to shareholders of Uniper SE Non-controlling interests Total
Balance as of January 1, 2020 622 10,825 3,145 -3,207 1 11,386 556 11,942
Change in scope of consolidation 0 0 0 0 -0 0 17 17
Dividends 0 0 -421 0 0 -421 -28 -449
Changes in ownership 6 0 0 6 -2 4
Total comprehensive income 0 0 351 -572 0 -220 -106 -326
Net income/loss 0 0 397 0 0 397 6 402
Other comprehensive income 0 0 -46 -572 0 -617 -112 -729
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 0 0 -222 0 0 -222 0 -222
Remeasurements of investments 0 0 177 0 0 177 0 177
Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income 0 0 0 -572 0 -572 -112 -683
Balance as of December 31, 2020 622 10,825 3,082 -3,779 1 10,751 437 11,188
Balance as of January 1, 2021 622 10,825 3,082 -3,779 1 10,751 437 11,188
Change in scope of consolidation 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
Capital decrease 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7 -7
Dividends 0 0 -501 0 0 -501 -38 -539
Total comprehensive income 0 0 -3,968 143 -121 -3,946 88 -3,859
Net income/loss 0 0 -4,169 0 0 -4,169 63 -4,106
Other comprehensive income 0 0 200 143 -121 223 25 247
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 0 0 269 0 0 269 0 269
Remeasurements of investments 0 0 -69 0 0 -69 -0 -69
Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income 0 0 0 143 -121 22 25 47
Balance as of December 31, 2021 622 10,825 -1,388 -3,636 -120 6,303 485 6,788
EBIT Reconciliation
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Reconciliation of Income/Loss before Financial Results and Taxes
€ in millions 2021 2020
Income/Loss before financial results and taxes -4,876 608
Net income/loss from equity investments 7 -9
EBIT -4,869 599
Non-operating adjustments 6,056 399
Net book gains (-) / losses (+) -9 10
Impact of derivative financial instruments 8,783 -570
Adjustments of revenue and cost of materials from physically settled commodity derivatives to the contract price -3,095 995
Restructuring / Cost-management expenses (+) / income (-)¹ 158 65
Miscellaneous other non-operating earnings 137 -192
Non-operating impairment charges (+) / reversals (-)² 81 92
Adjusted EBIT 1,187 998
For informational purposes: Economic depreciation and amortization/reversals 669 658
For informational purposes: Adjusted EBITDA 1,856 1,657
¹Expenses for (and income from) restructuring and cost management in the Global Commodities segment included depreciation and amortization of €2 million in the 2021 fiscal year (2020: €5 million). ²Non-operating impairment charges/reversals consist of non-operating impairment charges and reversals triggered by regular impairment tests. The total of the non-operating impairment charges/reversals and economic depreciation and amortization/reversals differs from depreciation, amortization and impairment charges reported in the income statement since the two items also include impairment charges on companies accounted for under the equity method and other financial assets; in addition, a small portion is included in restructuring / cost-management expenses and in miscellaneous other non-operating earnings.
Net Debt
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Economic Net Debt
€ in millions Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020
(+) Financial liabilities and liabilities from leases 8,975 1,743
(+) Bonds - -
(+) Commercial paper 1,480 65
(+) Liabilities to banks 2,964 259
(+) Lease liabilities 745 761
(+) Margining liabilities 783 193
(+) Liabilities from shareholder loans towards Uniper shareholders and co-shareholders 2,931 378
(+) Other financing 70 87
(-) Cash and cash equivalents 2,919 243
(-) Current securities 47 46
(-) Non-current securities 111 98
(-) Margining receivables¹ 7,866 898
Net financial position -1,969 457
(+) Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 1,065 1,371
(+) Provisions for asset retirement obligations 1,228 1,223
(+) Other asset retirement obligations 853 802
(+) Asset retirement obligations for Swedish nuclear power plants 2,940 2,916
(-) Receivables from the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund recognized on the balance sheet 2,565 2,495
Economic net debt 324 3,050
(-) For informational purposes: Receivables from the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund (KAF) ineligible for capitalization² 211 223
For informational purposes: Fundamental economic net debt 113 2,827
¹The line item "Margining receivables" contains additional securities beginning on June 30, 2021. These are akin to other margining receivables and have so far been reported as other financial receivables, which are not part of economic net debt. Margining receivables, net financial position, economic net debt and fundamental economic net debt as of December 31, 2020, have been adjusted for consistency. ²Due to IFRS valuation rules (IFRIC 5), €211 million (December 31, 2020: €223 million) of Uniper's share of the fair value of the net assets of the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund may not be capitalized on the balance sheet. Accordingly, there exists an additional receivable from the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund ineligible for recognition on the balance sheet, and the economic net obligation for the decommissioning of the Swedish nuclear power plants is thus reported too high in the table by the amount of this receivable.
Segment Information
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Financial Information by Segment
€ in millions European Generation Global Commodities² Russian Power Generation Administration/ Consolidation Uniper Group
2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
External sales 2,575 1,830 160,391 48,226 1,010 909 2 2 163,979 50,968
Intersegment sales 24,846 5,858 21,721 5,472 - - -46,567 -11,329 - -
Sales 27,421 7,688 182,112 53,698 1,010 909 -46,565 -11,327 163,979 50,968
Adjusted EBIT (segment earnings) 473 492 756 496 230 226 -272 -216 1,187 998
Equity-method earnings¹ - - 46 48 - - - - 46 48
Operating cash flow before interest and taxes 1,419 1,017 2,329 246 341 317 -236 -223 3,854 1,358
Investments 520 555 54 50 131 121 16 16 720 743
¹The income/loss from companies accounted for under the equity method presented here is generally adjusted for non-operating effects and therefore differs from the income/loss from companies accounted for under the equity method as presented in the income statement in accordance with IFRS.
²Regarding the change in sales in the Global Commodities segment, see also Notes 3 and 5 to the 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements.
Sales by Segment and Product
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Sales by Segment and Product
€ in millions European Generation Global Commodities Russian Power Generation Administration/ Consolidation Uniper Group
2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
Electricity 20,955 5,313 60,214 21,052 988 889 -37,711 -8,545 44,446 18,709
Gas 5,687 1,722 106,460 26,119 - - -7,770 -2,149 104,377 25,692
Other 779 652 15,439 6,527 22 21 -1,084 -634 15,155 6,567
Total 27,421 7,688 182,112 53,698 1,010 909 -46,565 -11,327 163,979 50,968
Adjusted EBIT
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Adjusted EBIT
€ in millions 2021 2020 +/- %
European Generation 473 492 -3.8
Global Commodities 756 496 52.2
Russian Power Generation 230 226 1.9
Administration/Consolidation -272 -216 -26.0
Total 1,187 998 18.9
Adjusted net income
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Reconciliation to Adjusted Net Income
€ in millions 2021 2020
Income/Loss before financial results and taxes -4,876 608
Net income/loss from equity investments 7 -9
EBIT -4,869 599
Non-operating adjustments 6,056 399
Adjusted EBIT 1,187 998
Interest income/expense and other financial results 256 -57
Non-operating interest expense and negative other financial results (+) / interest income and positive other financial results (-) -185 97
Operating interest income/expense and other financial results 71 39
Income taxes 507 -139
Expense (+) / Income (-) resulting from income taxes on non-operating earnings -829 -86
Income taxes on operating earnings -321 -226
Less non-controlling interests in operating earnings -31 -37
Adjusted net income 906 774
Financial Results
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Financial Results
€ in millions 2021 2020
Income from companies in which equity investments are held 9 7
Impairment charges/reversals on other financial assets -2 -17
Net income/loss from equity investments 7 -9
Interest and similar income 158 121
Amortized cost 117 102
Other interest and similar income 42 20
Interest and similar expenses -134 -349
Amortized cost -52 -30
Other interest and similar expenses -82 -319
Net interest income‌ 24 -228
Impairment charges/reversals 1 1
Net income from securities 10 1
Result from the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund 221 168
Other financial results 231 171
Financial results 262 -67
Fin. Liabilities by Segment
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Financial Liabilities by Segment as of December 31, 2021
€ in millions Commercial paper Bank loans / Liabilities to banks Liabilities from leases Other financial liabilities Financial liabilities
European Generation - 6 165 432 602
Global Commodities - 90 568 784 1,442
Russian Power Generation - - 10 41 51
Administration/Consolidation 1,480 2,869 2 2,529 6,880
Uniper Group 1,480 2,964 745 3,785 8,975
Leases in GuV
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Amounts Recognized in the Income Statement
€ in millions 2021 2020
Depreciation of right-of-use assets -113 -128
Impairment charges on right-of-use assets -18 -1
Reversals of impairments on right-of-use assets 26 83
Interest expense on lease liabilities -39 -43
Expense relating to short-term leases -217 -134
Expense relating to leases of low-value assets, not including short-term leases -3 -2
Income from subleasing right-of-use assets 45 29
Total -319 -195


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Uniper SE published this content on 23 February 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 23 February 2022 08:28:02 UTC.