
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 2211)

26 February 2020

Dear Shareholder,

Elections as to Means of Receipt and Language of Corporate Communications

Universal Health International Group Holding Limited (the "Company") is making arrangements for you to elect to receive Corporate Communications (i) in electronic form on the Company's website at www.uhighl.com(where they will continue to be published in both English and Chinese) or in printed form and (ii) if you elect to receive Corporate Communications in printed form, to elect to receive them in English, Chinese or both. Corporate Communications are all documents issued by the Company to holders of its securities for their information or action and include (but are not limited to) annual and interim reports (and all reports and financial statements contained in them), notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and proxy forms. The Company is making these arrangements with a view to increasing efficiency, saving costs and protecting the environment and accordingly recommends that you elect to receive Corporate Communications in electronic form on the Company's website. The arrangements comply with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.

To make your election, please mark X in the appropriate box on the enclosed reply form and sign and return it by post or by hand to the Company c/o the Company's share registrar in Hong Kong (the "Hong Kong Share Registrar"), Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. If you post your reply in Hong Kong, you may use the mailing label in the reply form and need not affix a stamp on the envelope when returning your reply form. Otherwise, please affix an appropriate stamp.

If the Company does not receive the enclosed Reply Form or a response indicating the objection from you by 25 March 2020, you will be deemed to have consented to receiving Website Version of all future Corporate Communications and a notification letter of the publication of the Corporate Communications on the Company's website will be sent to you by email (if you have provided an email address) or by post (if you have not provided an email address) in the future.

You may at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Company (sent to the Company's Hong Kong Share Registrar at the above address or by email to unihealth.ecom@computershare.com.hk) elect (i) to receive future Corporate Communications in printed form instead of in electronic form on the Company's website (or in electronic form on the Company's website instead of in printed form) or (ii) change the language in which you receive Corporate Communications in printed form. If you have elected (or are deemed to have elected) to receive Corporate Communications in electronic form on the Company's website and for any reason have difficulty in obtaining access to Corporate Communications on the Company's website, the Company will upon request send Corporate Communications to you in printed form free of charge.

Please note that English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications will be available (a) in printed form from the Company or the Hong Kong Share Registrar on request and (b) on the Company's website at www.uhighl.comand the website of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited at www.hkexnews.hk.

Should you have any queries in relation to this letter, please call the Company's telephone hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

By order of the Board

Universal Health International Group Holding Limited

Jin Dongtao



Name(s) and Address of Shareholder: 股東姓名及地址:

Reply Form 回條

To: Universal Health International Group Holding Limited ("the Company") 致:


(Stock Code: 2211)


c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited


17M Floor, Hopewell Centre,

香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 17M

183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

I/We would like to receive Corporate Communications# from the Company in the manner indicated below (Please mark X in ONLY ONE of the following boxes):


本 人/我 們欲以 下列方 式收取 公司之公 司通訊 (「公 司通訊 」) (請從下 列選 擇中, 僅在其 中 一 個空格 內劃上 「X」號 )

read the Website version of all future Corporate Communication published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies; and receive an email

  • notification of the publication of Corporate Communication on the Company's website; OR
    閱 覽 在本公司網站刊發之所有日後公司通訊之網上版本,以代替印刷本,並收取公司通訊已在本公司網站刊發之電郵通知;

(The Company will send to the email address provid ed above (if any) a notification of the availability of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website in the future. If no email address is provided, only a notification letter of the publication of the Corpora te Communication on the Company's website will be sent. Please provide the email address in English Block Lettersand the email address is used for notification of release of Corporate Communication only)

( 本 公 司 日 後 會 在 公司 通 訊 於 本 公司 網 站 發 佈時 發 出 通 知 至 以 上 提供 之 電 郵 地 址 (如 有 )。如 未 有 提 供 電 郵 地 址,則會 發 出 公 司 通訊 已 在 網上 刊 發 的 通 知 信 函 予 閣 下。請 以 英 文 正 楷 填 寫 電 郵 地址, 以 上 電 郵地 址 僅 供 用作 通 知 公 司 通 訊 發佈 。 )

to read all future Corporate C ommunications published on the Company's website (" Website Version") in place of receiving printed copies; and

  • receive a printed notification letter of the publication of Corporate Communications on the Company's website; OR
    瀏 覽所有 日後在 本公司 網站登 載之公司 通訊(「 網 上版 本 」), 以代替 印刷本 ,並收 取公司 通訊已 在本公 司網站登 載之通 知信函 印刷本 ;

to receive the printed English version of all future Corporate Communications ONLY; OR 僅 收取所 有日後 公司通 訊之 英 文印 刷本

to receive the printed Chinese version of all future Corporate Communications ONLY; OR 僅 收取所 有日後 公司通 訊之 中 文印 刷本

to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications. 同 時收取 所有日 後公司 通訊之 英 文 及中 文印 刷本

Contact telephone number






Notes 附註:

  1. Please complete all your details clearly.
    請 閣下清楚填妥 所有資料。
  2. If the Company does not receive this duly completed and signed Reply Form from you (or another response from you indicating that you object to receiving Corporate Communications in electronic form on the Company's website) on or before 25 March 2020, you will be deemed to have elected to rec eive all Corporate Communications in electronic form on the Company's website instead of receiving them in printed form. All future Corporate Communications will be sent out in t he manner specified in the
    Company's letter dated 26 February 2020.
    倘若 公司於 2020325 日或之前尚未收 到 閣下已適 當地填妥並簽 署的回條( 或表示反對以 電子方式於公 司網站收取 公司通訊的回 覆), 閣下將被視為

已同 意只透過公司 網站收取將來 的公司通訊 電子本以代替 收取印刷本。公司將按 2020226 日之 公司函件內所 述之方 式向 閣下發 出所有將來的 公司通訊。

3. By electing to receive Corporate Communications in electronic form on the Company's website instea d of receiving them in printed form, you have expressly agreed that

they may be sent or supplied to you by being made available on the Company's website and have expressly waived the right to r eceive them in printed form.

在選 擇透過公司網 站收取公司通 訊電子本以 代替收取印刷 本後, 閣下 已明示同意 放棄收取公司 通訊印刷本的 權利。

  1. If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign this Reply Form in order for it to be valid.
    如屬 聯名股東,則 本回條 應由該 聯名股東於 公司股 東名冊 上名列首位者 簽署,方為 有效。
  2. Shareholders may at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Company (sent to the Company's Hong Kong Share Registrar at the above address or by email to unihealth.ecom@computershare.com.hk) elect (i) to receive future Corporate Communications in printed form instead of in electronic form on the Company's website (or in electronic form on the Company's website instead of in printed form) or (ii) to change the language in which they receive Corporate Communications in printed form.
    股東 可以隨時以合 理時間的書面 通知(於上 述地址)或以 電郵方式發送至 unihealth.ecom@computershare.com.hk通知公司 之過户登記處,選擇(i)收取公司將來 的公 司通訊之印刷 本,以取代於 公司網站登 載的電子本(或 收取於公司 網站登載的 公司通訊電子 本,以取代印 刷本)或 (ii)更改所收取的 公司通訊印刷 本的語言 版本 。
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Reply Form.
    為免 存疑,任何在 本回條上的額 外 書寫指示 ,公司將不予 處理。

#Corporate Communications are all documents issued by the Company to holders of its securities for their information or action and include (but are not limited to) annual and interim reports (and all reports and financial statements contained in them), notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and proxy forms.

公 司 通 訊 乃 公 司 向 其 證 券 持 有 人 發 出 以 供 參 照 或 採 取 行 動 的 任 何 文 件 , 包 括 但 不 限 於 年 度 和 中 期 報 告 ( 及 其 中 包 含 的 所 有 報 告 及 財 務 報 表 )、 會 議 通 告 、 上 市 文 件 、 通 函 及 投 票 委 託 書 。



Mailing Label 郵寄標籤

Please cut the mailing label and stick it on an envelope

Get in touch with us 與我們聯繫

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

to return this Form to us.

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No postage is necessary if posted in Hong Kong.

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如在本港投寄, 閣下毋須支付郵費或貼上郵票。


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Universal Health International Group Holding Ltd. published this content on 26 February 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 February 2020 08:48:05 UTC