Executive Committee: Universal Health Realty Income Trust

Positions heldSince
Alan Miller

Alan Miller

87 year

Chief Executive Officer 1986-12-23
President 2003-01-31
Charles Boyle

Charles Boyle

65 year

Director of Finance/CFO 1991-05-31
Public Communications Contact -
Cheryl Ramagano

Cheryl Ramagano

62 year

Chief Operating Officer 2022-05-31
Corporate Secretary 2002-12-31
Treasurer 1992-08-31
Genevieve P. Owsiany

Genevieve P. Owsiany

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 1996-12-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: Universal Health Realty Income Trust

Alan Miller

Alan Miller

87 year

Finance Committee Chair 1978-12-31
Executive Committee Chair 1978-12-31
Gayle Capozzalo

Gayle Capozzalo

75 year

Executive Committee 2009-03-22
Audit Committee 2018-03-05
Governance Committee 2018-03-05
Nominating Committee 2018-03-05
Compensation Committee Chair 2018-03-05
Robert McCadden

Robert McCadden

67 year

Audit Committee Chair 2014-06-04
Governance Committee Chair 2013-12-05
Nominating Committee Chair 2013-12-05
Rebecca Guzman

Rebecca Guzman

40 year

Governance Committee 2022-11-29
Nominating Committee 2022-11-29
James Morey

James Morey

57 year

Audit Committee 2018-07-15
Compensation Committee
Marc Miller

Marc Miller

54 year

Finance Committee
Compensation Committee Chair 2021-08-04
Michael Allan Domb

Michael Allan Domb

69 year

Compensation Committee

Former Officers and Directors: Universal Health Realty Income Trust

Positions held
James E. Dalton
James E. Dalton
Director/Board Member 1996-12-31 2018-06-12
Independent Dir/Board Member 1996-12-31 2018-06-12
Elliot Sussman
Elliot Sussman
Director/Board Member 1998-12-31 2018-03-20
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-11-17 2018-03-20
Miles L. Berger
Miles L. Berger
Director/Board Member 1998-12-31 2017-06-07
Independent Dir/Board Member 1998-11-30 2017-06-07
Randall C. Stein
Randall C. Stein
Director/Board Member 2009-04-20 2013-10-02
Independent Dir/Board Member 2009-04-19 2013-10-02
Myles H. Tanenbaum
Myles H. Tanenbaum
Director/Board Member 1989-12-31 2009-11-30
Dan M. Cain
Dan M. Cain
Director/Board Member - 2005-11-30
Kirk E. Gorman
Kirk E. Gorman
Director/Board Member 1987-03-31 2003-02-28
Director of Finance/CFO 2003-02-28 2003-02-28
President - 2003-02-28
Marc Hirshman
Marc Hirshman
President 1999-05-31 2001-02-27
Timothy Fowler
Timothy Fowler
Corporate Officer/Principal 1993-09-30 -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 6
Female 5

Of which Executive Committee

Male 2
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 5
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo Universal Health Realty Income Trust
Universal Health Realty Income Trust is a real estate investment trust (REIT). The Company invests in healthcare and human service-related facilities, including acute care hospitals, behavioral healthcare hospitals, specialty facilities, free-standing emergency departments, childcare centers, and medical/office buildings. The Company’s portfolio consists of over 76 real estate investments or commitments located in approximately 21 states in the United States consisting of over six hospital facilities; approximately 60 medical/office buildings; over four free-standing emergency departments; approximately four preschool and childcare centers; over one specialty facility, and one vacant land. It consists of three acute care hospitals and three behavioral health hospitals, including McAllen Medical Center, Wellington Regional Medical Center, Aiken Regional Medical Center/Aurora Pavilion Behavioral Health Services, Canyon Creek Behavioral Health, and Clive Behavioral Health Hospital.
More about the company