Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Universal Health Services, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Universal Health Services, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Universal Health Services, Inc.

Doctors' Hospital of Shreveport, Inc.

Hospital/Nursing Management

BHC Montevista Hospital, Inc.

Hospital/Nursing Management

Premier Behavioral Solutions, Inc.

Hospital/Nursing Management

Valley Hospital Medical Center, Inc.

Hospital/Nursing Management

Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

HRI Hospital, Inc.

Medical/Nursing Services

Cygnet Health Care Ltd.

Hospital/Nursing Management

National Association For Behavioral Healthcare

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

U S HealthVest LLC

Hospital/Nursing Management

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Hospital/Nursing Management7
Miscellaneous Commercial Services2
Medical/Nursing Services2
Wireless Telecommunications1
Wholesale Distributors1
Real Estate Investment Trusts1

Countries of related companies

United States13
United Kingdom1
Logo Universal Health Services, Inc.
Universal Health Services, Inc. specializes in owning and managing health centers. The group provides general and specialty surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics, emergency room care, radiology, oncology, diagnostic care, coronary care, pediatric services, pharmacy services and/or behavioral health services. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - acute care hospital services (54.8%): as of 25/02/2021, operation of 26 inpatient acute care hospitals, 17 free-standing emergency departments, 6 outpatient centers and a surgical hospital located in the United States; - behavioral health services (45.1%): operation of 349 facilities located in the United States (197), the United Kingdom (149) and Puerto Rico (3); - other (0.1%).
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