UPL Limited informed that the Company has received an intimation on 13th February 2024, about issuance of certificate of incorporation with regards to new step-down subsidiary viz. Advanta Seeds Tanzania Limited effective 10th February 2024. Name of the target entity, details in brief such as size, turnover, history of last 3 years turnover, etc.

Industry to which the entity being acquired belongs and brief background about the entity acquired in terms of products/line of business acquired and Date of Incorporation: Name ­ Advanta Seeds Tanzania Limited. Turnover ­ Not applicable (Newly incorporated company). Industry ­ Seeds and related business.

Date of Incorporation ­ 10th February 2024. Objects and effects of acquisition (including but not limited to, disclosure of reasons for acquisition of target entity, if its business is outside the main line of business of the listed entity): The Company is incorporated to carry out seeds and related business. Country in which the acquired entity has presence and any other significant information (in brief): Tanzania.