Veritone, Inc. announced the launch of Veritone Redaction Managed Service. An alternative to licensing Veritone's AI-powered Redact software, this managed service enables organizations with limited dedicated resources to lean on Veritone to redact audio and video from digital evidence files safely and securely. To help streamline complex tasks and accelerate workflows, customers simply supply Veritone with video and audio files.

In a matter of days, redacted files are returned along with an audit log. Veritone Redaction Managed Service saves countless hours of manual redaction, enabling staff to stay focused on other mission-critical objectives and goals while keeping costs under control. Veritone's enhanced AI-solution for head and object detection provides redaction at all levels with flexibility and speed, including: A/V File Formats – works with standard audio and video formats that do not require a proprietary codec/player to redact heads, license plates, laptops, mobile devices, data terminals, words and phrases and more.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Removal – maintains strict adherence to removing instances of PII in order to protect individuals' safety and security. Sensitive File Security – offers the highest level of security and compliance throughout the entire file journey, from drop off and review to final retrieval. Redaction Review – enables the review of redacted files and feedback on any completed file.

Head Detection – uses head detection for redaction, which does not rely on visible facial features, a primary function of facial detection. File Editor – offers the option to blur or blackfill sensitive objects, and to mute or tone over audio content.