Summary: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

  • The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility.
  • The company has a good ESG score relative to its sector, according to MSCI.

Highlights: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

  • The earnings growth currently anticipated by analysts for the coming years is particularly strong.
  • The company is one of the most undervalued, with an "enterprise value to sales" ratio at 5.32 for the 2025 fiscal year.
  • The average target price set by analysts covering the stock is above current prices and offers a tremendous appreciation potential.
  • Analyst opinion has improved significantly over the past four months.
  • The group usually releases upbeat results with huge surprise rates.

Weaknesses: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

  • In relation to the value of its tangible assets, the company's valuation appears relatively high.
  • For the last twelve months, the trend in sales revisions has been clearly going down, which emphasizes downgraded expectations from the analysts.
  • For the last four months, the sales outlook for the coming years has been revised downwards. No recovery of the group's activities is yet foreseen.
  • For the last 12 months, analysts have been regularly downgrading their EPS expectations. Analysts predict worse results for the company against their predictions a year ago.
  • For the last twelve months, the analysts covering the company have given a bearish overview of EPS estimates, resulting in frequent downward revisions.
  • The average price target of analysts who are interested in the stock has been significantly revised downwards over the last four months.
  • Sales estimates for the next fiscal years vary from one analyst to another. This clearly highlights a lack of visibility into the company's future activity.
  • The price targets of analysts who cover the stock differ significantly. This implies difficulties in evaluating the company and its business.

Ratings Chart: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Source: Surperformance

ESG chart: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Source: MSCI

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Fundamentals Valuation Revisions of Fundamental Estimates Capi.($)
- 4.4B
- 1.72B
- 1.66B
Average 4.75B
Weighted average by Cap.
See all sector ratings


Sales growth
EPS Growth
Net margin
Financial Health


P/E ratio


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


Analysts' recommendations
4m Revision of opinion
Potential Price Target
4m Target Price Revision
12m Target Price Revision

Business Predictability

Earnings quality
Analyst Coverag
Divergence of analysts' recommendations
Divergence of Target Price
Divergence of analysts' opinions


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant

Technical analysis

ST Timing
MT Timing
LT Timing
Bollinger Spread
Unusual volumes
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  4. Ratings Vestas Wind Systems A/S