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34.88 EUR | +0.65% |
+4.49% | +14.99% |
Nov. 29 | Vienna Insurance Group AG: Significant discount to peers | ![]() |
Nov. 26 | Vienna Insurance Group AG, Nine Months 2024 Earnings Call, Nov 26, 2024 |
VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG (Group Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein): Relations Chart
Listed companies belonging to the same Group: Vienna Insurance Group AG
Company | Capitalization | Manager |
VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG | 4.64B | Hartwig Georg Löger |
BULSTRAD ZPAD SOFIA | 0 | Nedyalko Dimchev Chandarov |
Private companies belonging to the same group as VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG
Company | Manager |
Komunálna poist'ovna AS
![]() Komunálna poist'ovna AS Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Komunálna poistovna AS is a Slovakian insurance company based in Bratislava. The company primarily serves the municipal sector, providing insurance protection to municipalities and businesses. Additionally, they offer a wide range of insurance products tailored to individual needs. The company's main mission is to provide quality insurance products and services in the areas of property and liability insurance, as well as insurance for entrepreneurs and industry. | - |
KOOPERATIVA poistovna as
![]() KOOPERATIVA poistovna as Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, KOOPERATIVA poistovna as is a Slovakian insurance company based in Bratislava. KOOPERATIVA provides comprehensive life and property insurance coverage for individuals and businesses, including coverage for liability and environmental damage. The company offers a useful service called eKooperativa, which facilitates communication between customers and the insurance company. The company was founded in 1990 and Vladimír Bakeš has been the CEO of the company since 2022. | Vladimír Bakeš |, dss as
![](), dss as Investment ManagersFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen,, dss as is a company based in Bratislava, Slovakia. The company's description is limited to a customer service message in Slovakian, which roughly translates to "Kooperativa DSS. We are ready to answer your questions and comments. Write to us or call us, our employees have answers to everything." The company was founded in 2004. Gabriel Balog has been the CEO of the company since 2021., dss was acquired by KOOPERATIVA poistovna as from, as on January 11, 2023. | Gabriel Balog |
Perspektiva Indexovy Negarantovany D F - Dochodkova Spravcovsk | - |
Alfa Vienna Insurance Group Zrt
![]() Alfa Vienna Insurance Group Zrt Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of Aegon NV, Aegon Magyarország Általános Biztosító Zrt. is a Hungarian insurance company based in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian company offers a Qualified Consumer-Friendly Home Insurance, which is a housing insurance qualified by the National Bank of Hungary and is now available in the Alfa Insurance's portfolio. | - |
VIG Befektetési Alapkezelo Magyarország Zrt
![]() VIG Befektetési Alapkezelo Magyarország Zrt Investment ManagersFinance VIG Befektetési Alapkezelo Magyarország Zrt (VIG Alapkezelo) is the Hungary-based fund management subsidiary of Alfa Vienna Insurance Group Zrt, which is owned by Aegon Ltd. AMS: AGN) in The Netherlands. The firm was founded in 2009 as AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelo Zrt. Headquartered in Budapest, VIG Alapkezelo provides trust management services solely for institutional investors. The firm also offers various investment funds to clients who consist of pension funds, insurance companies and local governments. | Peter Kadocsa |
AEGON Magyarország Lakástakarékpénztár Zrt
![]() AEGON Magyarország Lakástakarékpénztár Zrt Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance AEGON Magyarország Lakástakarékpénztár Zrt is a company based in Budapest, Hungary. Part of Aegon NV, the Hungarian company provides insurance, pension fund, loans and investment services. | - |
Novi Beograd AD | - |
Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Na Zycie SA Vienna Insurance
![]() Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Na Zycie SA Vienna Insurance Life/Health InsuranceFinance Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Na Zycie SA Vienna Insurance Group provides insurance services. It offers life insurance packages and retirement plans. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Warsaw, Poland. | Artur Borowinski |
Aegon Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Na Zycie Sa Varsovia Sucursala | - |
Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group
![]() Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group provides insurance services. It offers personal and property insurance. The company was founded on May 24, 1990 and is headquartered in Warsaw, Poland. | Artur Borowinski |
InterRisk Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group
![]() InterRisk Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group Investment ManagersFinance InterRisk Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen SA Vienna Insurance Group provides property insurance services. It offers motor, real estate, and medical insurance packages. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Warsaw, Poland. | Piotr Narloch |
Kooperativa Pojištovna as
![]() Kooperativa Pojištovna as Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Kooperativa Pojistovna as is a Czech insurance company based in Prague. The company provides insurance for all aspects of life, both happy and sad, and prides itself on its ability to help customers in times of need. The company's motto is that the quality of an insurance company is best judged by how they handle claims. Martin Diviš has been the CEO of the company since 1995. | Martin Diviš |
VIG Re Zajist'ovna AS
![]() VIG Re Zajist'ovna AS Property/Casualty InsuranceFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, VIG Re Zajist'ovna AS is a reinsurer that offers tailor-made risk and capital solutions. The company is based in Prague, Czechia and prides itself on its closeness to markets, prudent underwriting, thorough risk management, robust capitalization, and sound liquidity. VIG Re has been bringing energy to the industry since its founding in 2008 and is a core player in the reinsurance market in CEE. The Czech company offers VIGorous reinsurance across boundaries and understands environments and local needs for tailor-made risk and capital solutions. | Karl Fink |
Ceská podnikatelská pojištovna as
![]() Ceská podnikatelská pojištovna as Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Ceská podnikatelská pojištovna as is a universal insurance company based in Prague, Czechia. The Czech company offers modern products and comprehensive insurance solutions in the areas of life and. Ceská podnikatelská pojištovna was acquired by Kooperativa Pojištovna as on May 11, 2005. | - |
BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS
![]() BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS provides insurance services. It offers pet, recreational activities, bike, private property, accident, travel, health, motor third party liability, comprehensive car insurance to individuals, business trip, commercial property, and general civil liability insurence for businesses. The company was founded on October 28, 2014 and is headquartered in Riga, Latvia. | Wolfgang Stockmeyer |
Vienna-Life Lebensversicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group
![]() Vienna-Life Lebensversicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Vienna-Life Lebensversicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group provides insurance services. The company is based in Bendern, Liechtenstein. | - |
InterRisk Lebensversicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group
![]() InterRisk Lebensversicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group Life/Health InsuranceFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, InterRisk Lebensversicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group provides life insurance services. The company is based in Wiesbaden, Germany. The German company was founded in 2003. The CEO is Roman Theisen. | Roman Theisen |
InterRisk Versicherungs AG
![]() InterRisk Versicherungs AG Life/Health InsuranceFinance InterRisk Versicherungs AG provides insurance services. It offers accident insurance, personal liability insurance, household contents insurance, building insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, pension insurance, funeral costs insurance and trade insurance. The company was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany. | Roman Theisen |
TBI Bulgaria ad
![]() TBI Bulgaria ad Financial ConglomeratesFinance TBI Bulgaria ad provides investment services. It offers financial services in the areas of pension and health assurance, general and life insurance, consumer finance, business and mortgage loans, leasing, asset management, and mutual funds. The company is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria. | - |
Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA
![]() Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA provides insurance products and services. It offers car, home, health, travel, and business insurance. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania. | Mihai Tecau |
MC EINS Investment GmbH
![]() MC EINS Investment GmbH Real Estate DevelopmentFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, MC EINS Investment GmbH provides real estate services. The company is based in Vienna, Austria. | - |
LVP Holding GmbH
![]() LVP Holding GmbH Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, LVP Holding GmbH is an investment holding Austrian company. The company is based in Vienna, Austria. | - |
Asigurarea Romaneasca Asirom SA
![]() Asigurarea Romaneasca Asirom SA Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Asigurarea Romaneasca Asirom SA is a Romanian company that provides insurance services. The company is based in Bucharest, Romania. Asigurarea Romaneasca Asirom was acquired by Vienna Insurance Group AG on November 07, 2007. | - |
SK BM sro | - |
HUN BM Kft | - |
DONAU Versicherung AG
![]() DONAU Versicherung AG Multi-Line InsuranceFinance DONAU Versicherung AG provides insurance brokerage services. It also specializes in the procurement of mortgage loans and personal loans, the procurement of the acquisition and sale of securities, as well as the brokerage of building association savings agreements. The company was founded in 1867 and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. | Ralph Müller |
Compensa Vienna Insurance Group UADB
![]() Compensa Vienna Insurance Group UADB Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Part of Wiener Städtischen Wechsels Versicherungs Vermoegen, Compensa Vienna Insurance Group UADB provides insurance services. The company is based in Vilnius, Lithuania. | - |
Compensa Vienna Insurance Group UADB (Latvia) | - |
BCR Asigurari de Viata SA
![]() BCR Asigurari de Viata SA Life/Health InsuranceFinance BCR Asigurari de Viata SA provides life insurance services. It offers payment protection, critical illness and investment account and personal accident insurance services. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania. | - |
VIG FUND uzavrený investicní fond, a.s.
![]() VIG FUND uzavrený investicní fond, a.s. Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous VIG FUND uzavrený investicní fond, a.s is a closed-end investment fund. The company was founded on March 1, 2012 and is headquartered in Stare Mesto, Czech Republic. | - |
ERSTE Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt
![]() ERSTE Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt Life/Health InsuranceFinance ERSTE Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt is an insurance company based in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian company provides a range of insurance products and services, including life, health, property, and casualty insurance. ERSTE Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt is part of the Vienna Insurance Group, one of the largest insurance groups in Central and Eastern Europe, with operations in 30 countries. The private company is committed to providing high-quality insurance solutions to its customers and has a strong reputation for reliability and customer service. | - |
Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group dd
![]() Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group dd Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group DD engages in the provision of insurance services. It offers life, Casco, marine, travel, accident, property, and transport insurance. The company was founded on November 30, 1995 and is headquartered in Zagreb, Croatia. | Jasminka Horvat Martinkovic |
Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE
![]() Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE provides insurance services. It offers a range of different life insurance products and additional insurance products. The company was founded on October 27, 1993 and is headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia. | Olga Reznik |
Aegon Pensii-Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii
![]() Aegon Pensii-Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Investment ManagersFinance Aegon Pensii-Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private engages in the management of a private pension fund. It offers retirement income benefits. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Floresti, Romania. | Marius Octavian Ratiu |
Fondul de Pensii Facultative AEGON ESENT | - |
Union Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt.
![]() Union Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Union Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt. provides insurance services. It offers vehicle, property and business, accident, life and retirement, health, and travel insurance solutions, as well as investments. The company was founded on August 21, 1990 and is headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. | Gabriella Almássy |
Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG
![]() Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG provides insurance services and solutions. It operates through the following segments: Property and Casualty, Life, and Health. It offers financial security as well as homeowner, household, motor vehicle, and travel insurances to private customers. It also specializes in company pension plans, severance pay schemes, company health insurances, and actuarial services. The company was founded in 1824 and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. | Roland Gröll |
VIG Poland/Romania Holding BV
![]() VIG Poland/Romania Holding BV Investment ManagersFinance VIG Poland/Romania Holding BV engages in the provision of investment advices. The company is headquartered in Hague, the Netherlands. | - |
Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group AD
![]() Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group AD Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Wiener Osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group AD engages in the insurance business. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. | Borislav Doder |