A public limited company (société anonyme) with a share capital of €1,480,905,940.00

Registered office: 1973 boulevard de la Défense
92000 Nanterre
Registration number 552 037 806 RCS Nanterre
Shareholders relations department: actionnaires@vinci.com

Issue of new VINCI shares,
reserved for group employees in France
in the context of its savings plan1

The combined general meeting of shareholders held on 8 April 2021, through its 19th resolution, delegated to the Board of directors its power to make increases in the capital reserved for employees for a period of 26 months expiring on 7 June 2023.

The meeting of shareholders defined in this context the manner in which the issue price of the new shares is determined.

During its meeting held on 20 October 2021, VINCI Board of directors fixed terms and conditions of a capital increase reserved for group employees in France, this transaction being in keeping with the powers received from the general meeting of shareholders.

The maximum number of shares that could be issued and the total amount of the issue will depend on the level of employees’ subscriptions for the units to be issued by the “Castor Relais 2022/1” mutual fund which will be determined at the end of the subscription period which will be opened from 1 January up to 30 April 2021.

The issue price of the new shares is equal to 95 % of the average opening prices of the VINCI shares quoted on the regulated market of Euronext Paris SA on the 20 trading days preceding 20 October 2021, namely €85.59 per new share to be issued.

The total number of new shares to be issued cannot exceed the limit prescribed by the general meeting of shareholders held on 8 April 2021 through its 19th resolution. The total number of shares that could be issued pursuant thereto and pursuant to the 20th resolution of the general meeting of shareholders held on 8 April 2021 to promote share ownership in favour of employees living in some foreign countries cannot exceed 1.5% of the number of shares comprising the authorised share capital at the time when the Board makes its decision.

The “Castor Relais 2022/1” mutual fund will subscribe for the new VINCI shares to be issued2 at the end of May 2022.

Authorization for trading these new shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris will be required immediately after their issuing.

These ordinary shares will be accompanied by no restriction and will bear current dividend rights as from 1st January 2022.

Nanterre, 30 December 2021

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1Employees will subscribe for this issue, which is reserved for them, through a temporary mutual fund initially and momentarily invested in monetary securities known as “Castor Relais 2022/1” and classified as a euro monetary mutual fund. This mutual fund received the approval of the AMF on 15 October 2021, under no. FCE 2021 0124. It will collect the employees’ cash payments intended to subscribe for the units that it issues. At the end of the 4-month subscription period opened to the employees, this temporary mutual fund will subscribe for the VINCI shares issued according to the total amount of the payments that it collects and will then be absorbed by the “Castor” mutual fund as from 2 June 2022. The AMF approved such a merger in advance on 27 October 2021 (under no. 133 949).
The “Castor” mutual fund is an employee savings and employee shareholder UCITS invested in VINCI shares. It is one of the principal instruments used for the implementation of the VINCI group’s company savings plan in France.

2Up to the total amount of employees’ payments raised by contributions paid by group companies that are members of its savings plan in France.



  • Document d'information Castor 2022-1 (english)

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