Vivos Therapeutics, Inc. announced it has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with GM Instruments Ltd. for the distribution of GM Instruments' NR6 Rhinomanometer, the only FDA approved 4-phase rhinomanometer available in the U.S. used to calculate nasal airway resistance by measuring nasal flow and the pressure producing that flow. Under this new agreement, effectively immediately, Vivos becomes the exclusive U.S. and Canadian distributor of this specialized diagnostic equipment for evaluating nasal breathing and function in dental patients with sleep and breathing issues. The objective measurement of nasal breathing can be an essential data point in determining the appropriate breathing and sleep issue treatment pathway as well as a predictor of potential Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) intolerance or other treatment failure.

Based in the United Kingdom, GM Instruments is a global manufacturer and distributor of diagnostic technology for assessing nasal and respiratory flow and function. The GM Instruments' NR6 Rhinomanometer offers a quick non-invasive test to measure the function of the nose during active breathing. These test results are being used by Vivos-trained dentists and others to measure outcomes of improvement for pre- mid- and post-treatment of patients undergoing a variety of treatment modalities.

Additionally, GM Instruments products are planned for use as part of research protocols to improve and support the outcomes of Vivos products and methods for OSA diagnosis and treatment. The NR6 Rhinomanometer is used across the world in specialties that address nasal obstruction and nasal flow limitations. Recent studies show the impact of nasal resistance on the distribution of apneas and hypopneas in OSA.

Such studies have also highlighted the use of Rhinomanometry in patient selection for probable success or failure with CPAP and oral appliance therapy. The research findings emphasize the importance of measuring nasal flow and transnasal pressure in reducing disease and improving breathing. The clinical evaluation of breathing flow and function has recently taken center stage in the treatment of sleep apnea as research continues to forge links between breathing and sleep.

With this exclusive distribution agreement for the NR6 Rhinomanometer, which is utilized by dentists worldwide, Vivos solidifies its leadership role as the first company in the global effort to identify and address sleep and breathing issues through the collaborative efforts of dental and medical professionals.