BRAUNSCHWEIG (dpa-AFX) - In the billion-euro investor lawsuit concerning the VW diesel affair, the plaintiffs have tried to confront former Group CEO Martin Winterkorn with what they see as contradictory statements. They are not happy with the 76-year-old's answers so far because he does not describe certain processes plausibly enough, said lawyer Axel Wegner in Braunschweig on Tuesday. Winterkorn did not respond to the accusation and continued to patiently answer the plaintiff's questions. "If you ask me such specific questions, I have to go further," he said in one instance.
The questioning of the former Group boss on the emissions manipulations at the Wolfsburg-based car manufacturer is already in its third day. Winterkorn has been summoned as a witness in the civil proceedings before the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court. Since 2018, the trial under the Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMug) has been negotiating possible compensation for investors who suffered share price losses after the scandal came to light. Around 4.4 billion euros are currently at stake./bch/DP/mis