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Yield (Y) Yield (Y+1) P/E ratio Price to Book EV / Sales EV / EBITDA EV / EBIT Capi. ($)
-.--%+0.46%4.32x 0.4993 0.12x1.08x2.01x6.5B
+7.66%+6.32%8.34x 1.156 0.99x28.49x36.51x580M
-.--%+1.56%-15.24x 0.5392 0.48x5.49x40.43x77.34M
Average +2.55% +2.78% -0.86x 0.73 0.53x 11.69x 26.32x 2.38B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.62% +0.94% 4.44x 0.55 0.20x 3.35x 5.22x
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