Executive Committee: Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

Positions heldSince
Timothy Wentworth

Timothy Wentworth

65 year

Chief Executive Officer 2023-10-22
Lanesha Minnix

Lanesha Minnix

49 year

General Counsel 2024-04-14
Elizabeth Burger

Elizabeth Burger

54 year

Human Resources Officer 2024-02-11
Neal Sample

Neal Sample

50 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2023-09-30
Todd Heckman

Todd Heckman

52 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2023-07-26
Mike Maresca

Mike Maresca

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Tiffany Kanaga

Tiffany Kanaga

Investor Relations Contact -
Omorlie Harris

Omorlie Harris

48 year

Treasurer 2022-01-04
Manmohan Mahajan

Manmohan Mahajan

46 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2023-07-26
Joseph Amsbary

Joseph Amsbary

Corporate Secretary -
Ornella Barra

Ornella Barra

70 year

Chief Operating Officer 2016-06-06

Composition of the Board of Directors: Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

Stefano Pessina

Stefano Pessina

84 year

Chairman 2021-03-14
Valerie Jarrett

Valerie Jarrett

68 year

Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Audit Committee 2020-10-28
Compensation Committee 2020-10-28
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Nancy Schlichting

Nancy Schlichting

70 year

Audit Committee 2015-01-07
Compensation Committee Chair 2022-04-30
Compensation Committee 2017-12-10
HR Committee 2017-12-10
John Lederer

John Lederer

69 year

Compensation Committee 2015-08-31
Governance Committee 2015-04-07
Nominating Committee 2015-04-07
Finance Committee Chair 2015-04-07
Inderpal Bhandari

Inderpal Bhandari

65 year

Audit Committee
Finance Committee 2022-09-05
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Jan Babiak

Jan Babiak

67 year

Governance Committee 2012-10-22
Nominating Committee 2012-10-22
Audit Committee Chair 2012-03-31
Finance Committee 2012-03-31
Thomas Polen

Thomas Polen

52 year

Executive Committee Chair 2021-04-27
Finance Committee 2023-07-11
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Ginger Graham

Ginger Graham

69 year

Compensation Committee 2015-01-07
Governance Committee Chair 2015-01-25
Nominating Committee Chair 2015-01-25
Bryan Hanson

Bryan Hanson

58 year

Finance Committee 2022-10-26
Compensation Committee 2022-10-26
Robert Huffines

Robert Huffines

59 year

Finance Committee 2024-01-24
Timothy Wentworth

Timothy Wentworth

65 year

Director/Board Member 2023-10-22
William Shrank

William Shrank

53 year

Director/Board Member 2024-08-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2024-08-31

Former Officers and Directors: Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

Positions held
Jim Townsend
Jim Townsend
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2024-07-31
Danielle Gray
Danielle Gray
General Counsel 2021-09-14 2024-04-14
John Driscoll
John Driscoll
Corporate Officer/Principal 2022-09-30 2024-03-31
Holly May
Holly May
Human Resources Officer 2021-09-30 2024-02-11
Dominic Murphy
Dominic Murphy
Director/Board Member 2012-07-31 2024-01-24
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-07-31 2024-01-24
Linh Peters
Linh Peters
Sales & Marketing 2022-05-03 2023-12-31
Kevin Ban
Kevin Ban
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2019-12-31 2023-11-09
Hsiao Wang
Hsiao Wang
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2022-09-25 2023-10-31
Rosalind Brewer
Rosalind Brewer
Director/Board Member 2021-03-14 2023-08-30
Chief Executive Officer 2021-03-14 2023-08-30
James Kehoe
James Kehoe
Director of Finance/CFO 2018-05-31 2023-07-26
William Foote
William Foote
Director/Board Member 1996-12-31 2023-01-25
Independent Dir/Board Member 1996-12-31 2023-01-25
Steven Shulman
Steven Shulman
Director/Board Member 2022-01-26 2022-11-30
John Standley
John Standley
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2022-10-31
Francesco Tinto
Francesco Tinto
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2019-09-05 2022-09-25
David Brailer
David Brailer
Director/Board Member 2010-09-30 2022-08-18
Independent Dir/Board Member 2010-09-30 2022-08-18
Morry Smulevitz
Morry Smulevitz
Public Communications Contact 2019-10-31 2022-04-30
Luke Rauch
Luke Rauch
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2022-04-30
Sales & Marketing 2022-04-30 2022-04-30
Joe Almeida
Joe Almeida
Director/Board Member 2017-04-18 2022-01-26
Independent Dir/Board Member 2017-04-18 2022-01-26
James Skinner
James Skinner
Director/Board Member 2021-03-14 2022-01-26
Chairman 2014-12-31 2021-03-14
Jay Spitzer
Jay Spitzer
Investor Relations Contact 2015-05-31 2021-12-31
Mark Vainisi
Mark Vainisi
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-12-31 2021-12-31
Gerald Gradwell
Gerald Gradwell
Investor Relations Contact 2014-12-31 2021-10-31
Kristof Leon Neirynck
Kristof Leon Neirynck
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-12-31 2021-10-31
Anita M. Allemand
Anita M. Allemand
Corporate Officer/Principal 2021-10-28 -
Wayne Beifus
Wayne Beifus
Director of Finance/CFO 2018-07-31 2021-07-31
Heather Dixon
Heather Dixon
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2019-03-17 2021-05-27
Alexander Gourlay
Alexander Gourlay
Chief Operating Officer 2016-06-06 2021-05-16
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-11-30 2016-06-06
President 2014-08-31 2014-11-30
Vineet Mehra
Vineet Mehra
Sales & Marketing 2019-05-29 2021-02-28
Alejandro Martinez
Alejandro Martinez
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2019-01-31 2021-01-31
Pamela Puryear
Pamela Puryear
Human Resources Officer 2020-12-31 -
Gunjan Bhow
Gunjan Bhow
Corporate Officer/Principal 2017-12-31 2020-12-31
Hari Avula
Hari Avula
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-12-31 2020-12-31
Kathleen Wilson-Thompson
Kathleen Wilson-Thompson
Human Resources Officer 2010-11-30 2020-12-31
Jill Wrobel
Jill Wrobel
Human Resources Officer 2015-12-31 2017-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2015-12-31 2020-10-31
Colin Nelson
Colin Nelson
Corporate Officer/Principal 2019-05-29 2020-08-31
Joher Akolawala
Joher Akolawala
Corporate Officer/Principal 2019-10-31 2020-02-29
Joseph Hartsig
Joseph Hartsig
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-12-31 2019-12-31
Leonard Schaeffer
Leonard Schaeffer
Director/Board Member 2015-05-31 2019-09-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2015-05-31 2019-09-30
Aaron C. Radelet
Aaron C. Radelet
Public Communications Contact 2019-06-30 -
Ken Murphy
Ken Murphy
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2018-12-31
Kimberly Scardino
Kimberly Scardino
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2015-08-02 2018-12-20
Hiranda Donoghue
Hiranda Donoghue
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-09-30 2018-10-31
Vanessi Tisci
Vanessi Tisci
Corporate Officer/Principal 2017-04-30 2018-08-31
George Rollo Fairweather
George Rollo Fairweather
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2015-02-19 -
Director of Finance/CFO 2015-02-19 2018-05-31
Gustavo Arnal
Gustavo Arnal
Corporate Officer/Principal 2017-06-30 2018-05-31
Collin Smyser
Collin Smyser
Corporate Secretary 2015-03-31 2018-02-27
Vish Sankaran
Vish Sankaran
Corporate Officer/Principal 2017-06-30 -
Steve Pemberton
Steve Pemberton
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-12-31 2017-01-01
Jason Dubinsky
Jason Dubinsky
Director of Finance/CFO 2008-12-31 2016-12-31
Treasurer 2008-12-31 2013-12-31
Simon Roberts
Simon Roberts
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-12-31 2016-07-30
Barry S. Rosenstein
Barry S. Rosenstein
Director/Board Member 2013-12-31 2016-05-22
Independent Dir/Board Member 2013-12-31 2016-05-22
Jan Reed
Jan Reed
General Counsel 2015-02-01 2016-02-29
Corporate Secretary 2015-02-01 2016-02-29
Anas Al-Hamwi
Anas Al-Hamwi
Corporate Officer/Principal 2015-12-31 -
Dustin Sullivan
Dustin Sullivan
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-07-31 2015-11-30
Marc Dench
Marc Dench
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-01-31 2015-09-30
Jeffrey Berkowitz
Jeffrey Berkowitz
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-12-31 2015-07-31
Steven A. Davis
Steven A. Davis
Director/Board Member 2009-03-31 2015-06-10
Thomas Richard Carter
Thomas Richard Carter
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-05-31 2015-05-31
Timothy Theriault
Timothy Theriault
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2014-06-30 2015-05-31
Alan G. McNally
Alan G. McNally
Director/Board Member - 2015-05-27
Alejandro Silva
Alejandro Silva
Director/Board Member - 2015-05-27
Independent Dir/Board Member - 2015-05-27
Mark Frissora
Mark Frissora
Director/Board Member 2008-12-31 2015-03-31
Timothy McLevish
Timothy McLevish
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2015-01-25 2015-02-19
Director of Finance/CFO 2013-12-31 2015-02-19
Marco Pagni
Marco Pagni
Chief Administrative Officer 2015-02-01 -
General Counsel 2015-02-01 -
Thomas Sabatino
Thomas Sabatino
Chief Administrative Officer 2010-12-31 2015-01-30
General Counsel 2010-12-31 2015-01-30
Corporate Secretary 2010-12-31 2015-01-30
Gregory Wasson
Gregory Wasson
Director/Board Member 2006-12-31 2015-01-08
Chief Executive Officer 2009-01-31 2015-01-08
President 2006-12-31 2015-01-08
Roger Phillips
Roger Phillips
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-12-31 -
Carla Moradi
Carla Moradi
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-12-31 2014-12-31
Kermit Crawford
Kermit Crawford
Corporate Officer/Principal 2003-12-31 2014-11-30
Robert G. Zimmerman
Robert G. Zimmerman
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2014-03-31
Stan Pavlovsky
Stan Pavlovsky
Sales & Marketing 2011-05-31 2013-02-28
Juan Guerra
Juan Guerra
Corporate Officer/Principal 2015-11-30 -
Anthony Roberts
Anthony Roberts
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2015-01-31 -
Julia Hendrickson
Julia Hendrickson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Carlos W. Cubia
Carlos W. Cubia
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jennifer Kerr
Jennifer Kerr
Director/Board Member - -
Ashish Kohli
Ashish Kohli
Public Communications Contact - -
Alexis Berger
Alexis Berger
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 19
Female 12

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 5

Of which Directors

Male 8
Female 4


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. specializes in the distribution of pharmaceutical products. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - retail distribution (87.2%): selling prescription drugs, OTC medicines, beauty and cosmetic products, etc. in the United States (91% of net sales) and internationally (9%). At the end of August 2024, the activity is carried out through 12,248 outlets (of which 8,560 located in the United States, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands), 464 healthcare locations and through the Internet; - wholesale distribution (8.1%). The remaining sales (4.7%) are from the healthcare Net sales break down geographically as follows: the United States (84.1%), Germany (8.2%), the United Kingdom (6.5%) and other (1.2%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Gregory Wasson
Gregory Wasson

Chief Executive Officer

2009-01-31 2015-01-08

James Skinner
James Skinner


2014-12-31 2021-03-14

Rosalind Brewer
Rosalind Brewer

Chief Executive Officer

2021-03-14 2023-08-30