Share ownership Woolworths Group Limited




Food Retail & Distribution

Market Closed - Australian S.E. 12:10:23 2025-02-10 am EST 5-day change 1st Jan Change
30.00 AUD +0.27% Intraday chart for Woolworths Group Limited -1.51% -1.61%

Share class: Woolworths Group Limited

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A11,221,588,8311,214,401,848 ( 99.41 %) 0 99.41 %

Major shareholders: Woolworths Group Limited

AustralianSuper Pty Ltd.
6.019 %
73,523,716 6.019 % 1 388 M $
State Street Global Advisors Trust Co.
1.127 %
13,764,235 1.127 % 260 M $
Netwealth Investments Ltd.
0.547 %
6,682,670 0.547 % 126 M $
Australian Foundation Investment Co. Ltd. (Invt Mgmt)
0.5458 %
6,667,002 0.5458 % 126 M $
BetaShares Capital Ltd.
0.5115 %
6,247,919 0.5115 % 118 M $
IOOF Investment Services Ltd.
0.4614 %
5,636,768 0.4614 % 106 M $
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.3417 %
4,173,748 0.3417 % 79 M $
Argo Investments Ltd. (Investment Management)
0.3176 %
3,879,526 0.3176 % 73 M $
State Street Global Advisors (Japan) Co. Ltd.
0.2227 %
2,721,017 0.2227 % 51 M $
Allan Gray Australia Pty Ltd.
0.2156 %
2,633,712 0.2156 % 50 M $
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Washington H. Soul Pattinson & Co. Ltd.0.16%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Australia 9.97%
United States 1.34%
United Kingdom 0.37%
Japan 0.24%
Sweden 0.16%
Norway 0.09%
Ireland 0.07%
Switzerland 0.04%
Denmark 0.04%
Individuals 0.04%
Hong Kong 0.03%
Finland 0.03%
Italy 0.02%
Luxembourg 0.02%
New Zealand 0.02%
Germany 0.01%
China 0.01%
Canada 0.01%
France 0.01%
South Africa 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Woolworths Group Limited
Woolworths Group Limited is an Australia-based retailer. The Company's segments include Australian Food, Australian B2B, New Zealand Food, BIG W and Other. The Australian Food segment is engaged in procurement of food, drinks and related products for resale and provision of services (including eCommerce) to retail and business customers in Australia. The Australian B2B segment includes procurement and distribution of food and related products for resale to other businesses and provision of supply chain services to business customers in Australia. The New Zealand Food segment includes procurement of food, drinks and related products for resale and provision of services (including eCommerce) to retail and wholesale customers in New Zealand. The BIG W segment includes procurement of discount general merchandise products for resale (including via eCommerce) to retail customers in Australia. The Other segment comprises Quantium and MyDeal as well as various support functions.
More about the company