GRI Standards Index - Woolworths Group Limited 2021


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Reason for omission



General Disclosures


Name of the organization

Woolworths Group Limited


Activities, brands, products, and services

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report


Location of headquarters

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report, Company Directory


Location of operations

Contents: scope of report


Ownership and legal form

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report


Markets served

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report


Scale of the organization

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report


Information on employees and other

Workplace metrics: 2021 Sustaintability Report Appendix


The significant portion of Woolworths Group's activities are performed by workers who are employees.


Supply chain

Human right and respondible sourcing: SR 15-17

2021 Modern Slavery Statement


Significant changes to the organization

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report.

and its supply chain

Seperation of the Endeavour group occured at the end of the reporting period. Increased ownership of Quantium and Partial

ownership of PFD. Refer to 2021 Woolworths Group Annual Report for further details


Precautionary Principle or approach

Responding to climate change: SR 22-33

Precautionary Principle

Not part of New Product Development

Woolworths Group does not make a specific


statement on precautionary principles, but

commitments to addressing climate change and

deforestation are applicable.


External initiatives

People: SR 7-21

Planet: SR 22-33

Product: SR 34-45

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

United Nations Global Compact: Appendix 15


Membership of associations

Industry Associations: Appendix 26


Statement from senior decision-maker

Chief Executive Officer's message: SR 3


Values, principles, standards, and norms

Overview: SR 2-3

of behavior

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report


Governance structure

2021 Annual report

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

Woolworths Group website:


List of stakeholder groups

Corporate governance: Appendix 26

Materiality: Appendix 27-28

The stakeholder groups we have engaged with are customers, team members, government, investors, peers and suppliers.


Collective bargaining agreements

Workplace metrics: Appendix 7


Identifying and selecting stakeholders

Materiality: Appendix 27-28


Approach to stakeholder engagement

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

Materiality: Appendix 27-28

The stakeholder groups we have engaged with are customers, team members, government, investors, peers and suppliers.


Key topics and concerns raised

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

Materiality: Appendix 27-28


Entities included in the consolidated

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report

financial statements


Defining report content and topic

Corporate governance: Appendix 25


Materiality: Appendix 27-28


List of material topics

Materiality: Appendix 27-28


Restatements of information

Any restatements of previous years' data are identified within footnotes. The effect of any such restatements are not

considered to be material.


Changes in reporting

There has been no significant changes


Reporting period

1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021


Date of most recent report

2020 Sustainability Report published August 2020


Reporting cycle



Contact point for questions regarding the

Company directory: SR 47



Claims of reporting in accordance with the

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: 'Core option'

GRI Standards


GRI content index

Global reporting initiative: Appendix 16,

Woolworths Group website:


External assurance

External assurance statement: Appendix 20

Management Approach

GRI Standards Index - Woolworths Group Limited 2021


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Reason for omission




Explanation of the material topic and its

Materiality: Appendix 27-28


People: SR 7-21

Planet: SR 22-33

Product: SR 34-45

2021 Annual Report


The management approach and its

Overview: SR 2-3


Materiality: Appendix 27-28

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

2021 Strategy

The charter and key objectives established by the Sustainability committee can be located on the website: www.

The Sustainability committee report into the Board of Directors and has overall responsibility for the management and

reporting against the material issues, targets and commitments.

A materiality assessment underpinned by internal and external stakeholder engagement identified the top 11 material issues

described on page 27


Evaluation of the management approach

2021 Woolworths Group Annual report

Corporate governance: Appendix 25

People: SR 7-21

Planet: SR 22-33

Product: SR 34-45

Additional information regarding the evaluation of material issues is detailed throughout the body of the report for example via

case studies as supported by underlying policies and group commitments

The relevant policies and procedures across identified material issues are located at

Economic Performance


Direct economic value generated and

2021 Woolworths Group Limited Annual Report




Confirmed incidents of corruption and

There are no public legal cases regarding corruption brought against Woolworths Group Limited or its employees during the

Number and nature of

Confidentiality constraints

Details of employee corruption incidents are not

actions taken

reporting year.

confirmed incidents of

reported for privacy reasons.

corruption and follow up


Anti-competitive Behavior


Legal actions for anti-competitive


behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly




Energy consumption within the

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part a, b, c, d

Data not available at this granular level

We do not report on other energy consumption


Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

indicators based on the nature of Wooloworths

Woolworths Group report energy consumption within the organisation converted to tCO2e in compliance with the NGER

principal activities and operations.

Measurement Determination and conversion factors sourced from NZ and NGA emission factors. The scope of this indicator

includes all energy consumed except for third party logistics.


Energy consumption outside of the

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part a

Data not available

Not all Scope 3 categories have been disclosed.


Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

This is due to a combination of some categories

Woolworths Group report energy consumption outside of the organisation converted to tCO2e aligned with NGER

being not applicable to the business and for

Measurement Determination and conversion factors sourced from NZ and NGA emission factors. The scope of the indicator

some categories, the unavailability of collecting

includes energy consumed from third party logistics only and consequently do not report on other energy consumption

accurate scope 3 data.

indicators based on the nature of Woolworths Group principal activities and operations


Energy intensity

Planet: Planet: SR 30

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

Energy intensity comprises all energy from stationary sources (electricity, natural gas, LPG and diesel) from our Australian

and New Zealand operations. The ratio includes energy consumption within the organisation only divided by floor area for

Australian and New Zealand assets.


Reduction of energy consumption

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part a partial omission

Data not available

Not all specific initiatives data available

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

Reduction in energy consumption is reported based on specific initiatives as opposed to a single value across the

organisation which is not practicable to calculate on the basis there are multiple initiatives dispersed across the various

business. Initiatives relating to LED lighting retrofit and solar panel installations are included in the Planet section. These

relate to electricity reductions only and comply with NGER measurement guidelines



Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part c, d

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

Gross direct scope 1 emissions are reported in the Sustainability metrics section. In calculating Scope 1 emissions, CO2,

CH4, HFC and N2O gases were included in the calculations. The calculation methodology and associated emission factors

and global warming potentials are aligned with NGER Guidelines

and conversion factors sourced from NZ and NGA emission

factors.. Refrigerant emissions were calculated using NGER emission factors and GWPs have been applied to supplier

specific refrigerant blends. An operational control approach was adopted for calculating Scope 1 emissions.

Biogenic CO2 emissions and base year have been deemed not applicable to the business due to nature of Woolworths Group principal activities and operations and the reporting of absolute scope 1 emissions.

Biogenic CO2 emissions and base year have been deemed not applicable to the business due to nature of Woolworths Group principal activities and operations and the reporting of absolute scope 1 emissions.

GRI Standards Index - Woolworths Group Limited 2021


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Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part b, d

Gross market based energy scope 2

Gross market based energy scope 2 emissions

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

emissions and base year have been

and base year have been deemed not

Gross indirect scope 2 emissions are reported in the Sustainability Metrics section. In calculating Scope 2 emissions, CO2,

deemed not applicable to based on the

applicable to based on the nature of Woolworths

CH4 and N2O gases were included in the calculations. The calculation methodology and associated emission factors are

nature of Woolworths Group principal

Group principal activities and operations and the

aligned with NGER Guidelines and conversion factors sourced from NZ and NGA emission factors.. An operational control

activities and operations and the reporting

reporting of absolute scope 2 emissions

approach was adopted for calculating Scope 2 emissions.

of absolute scope 2 emissions


Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part a,c,d,e

Data not available

Not all Scope 3 categories have been included,

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

due to the unavailability of collecting accurate

Gross indirect scope 3 emissions are reported in Sustainability metrics section. The categories included in the calculation are

scope 3 data. Biogenic CO2 emissions and

logistics fuel, waste to landfill and scope 3 components of electricity, natural gas and fuels consumed. In calculating Scope 3

base year are deemed not applicable to the

emissions, CO2, CH4 and N2O gases were included in the calculations. The calculation methodology and associated

business based on the nature of Woolworths

emission factors are aligned with NGA Factors. An operational control approach was adopted for calculating Scope 3

Group principal activities and operations



GHG emissions intensity

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

Woolworths Group report GHG emission intensity in the planet section using floor area for Australian and New Zealand

assets only. The intensity ratio includes scope 1 and 2 emissions only. In calculating the metric, CO2, CH4, HFC and N2O

gases were included


Reduction of GHG emissions

Planet: Planet: SR 22-33

Part 2.9.4

Data not available

Reductions in emissions are not reported

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 4-5

separately for each scope since aggregated

Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions are reported in the Planet section. Reductions are based on scope 1, 2 and 3

reductions are better aligned with the

emissions. In calculating the metric, CO2, CH4, HFC and N2O gases were included. The calculation methodology complies

organisation's strategic commitments

with NGER requirements and NZ guidelines.

Effluents and Waste


Waste by type and disposal method

Moving to a circular economy: SR 22-45

Part a i, iii, iv, v, vi, viii

Data not available

Woolworths Group reports non-hazardous

Sustainability metrics: Appendix 5

waste broken down into sub categories as

reported in Sustainability metrics section. Sub

categories for reuse, incineration, deep well

injection and on-site storage are not applicable

to the business. Non-hazardous waste is

disposed directly by Woolworths Group.

Hazardous waste is not generated by

Woolworths Group.

Environmental Compliance


Non-compliance with environmental laws

The one outstanding case from previous year regarding "biodegradable and compositable" labels has been resolved in favour

and regulations

of Woolworths following appeal from ACCC. No other matters to report



New employee hires and employee

Workplace metrics: Appendix 7-9



Parental leave

Workplace metrics: Appendix 9

Part d, e

Data not reported

Woolworths Group does not report total number

of employees that returned to work after

parental leave ended that were still employed 12

months after their return to work, by gender, or

return to work and retention rates of employees

that took parental leave, by gender on the basis

the information is not applicable, as

management does not use this as part of our

internal reporting or benchmarking process.

Labor/Management Relations


Minimum notice periods regarding

Most of our enterprise agreements make provision for us to notify and consult with employees and the relevant unions about

operational changes

the introduction of major change.

Occupational Health and Safety

GRI Standards Index - Woolworths Group Limited 2021


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Occupational health and safety

Workplace metrics: Appendix 10-13

management system

The safety and health management systems covers retail operations, supply chain, warehousing, distribution, manufacturing and includes all our workplaces. The management systems covers all activities undertaken and outlines requirements and performance monitoring of contractors activities.

Businesses are enabled to establish their own safety, health and wellbeing governance arrangements, provided that those

arrangements equal or exceed the performance requirements set out in the Woolworths Governance Framework. The

governance arrangements of the businesses are subject to assurance activities.

Woolworths employs both internal and external resources for the development and implementation of the safety and health

management systems. The General Manager Group Safety, Health and Wellbeing has overall responsibility for monitoring the

effective implementation of the safety and health management systems. Each business has a dedicated safety and health

team responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the safety and health management systems.

Where required, external consultants are used to support internal resources, however overall responsibility and accountability

rests with team members employed by Woolworths.

The Board is committed to laying a strong foundation for overseeing the effective management of safety, health and wellbeing

throughout Woolworths. Management is accountable for maintaining a strong safety, health and wellbeing culture as well as

the effective management of safety, health and wellbeing throughout Woolworths.


Hazard identification, risk assessment,

The Woolworths Group Safety & Health Standards set the requirements for incident investigation and routine and non-routine

and incident investigation

hazard identification and risk assessment. Processes to complete these tasks are included in the business specific Safety and

Health Management Systems.

There are routine risk management processes including hazard identification programs, risk assessments, workplace

inspections and incident reporting which seek input and involvement from team members and contractors. Team members

are also trained to identify, assess, control (where possible) and report hazards they observe. Hazards are assessed using

the Woolworths Group enterprise risk matrix for safety to determine the risk (rating) they pose based on the severity of harm

they have the potential to cause and the likelihood that harm will occur. Risks are escalated to different levels of the

organisation based on their rating. Data from routine and non-routine risk management processes are captured in our Safety

Incident Management System.

Woolworths Group Safety & Health complete an annual risk review of our operations to identify hazards, assess risks and

identify where existing controls can be strengthened or new controls can be implemented by applying the hierarchy of

controls. Hazard and incident data, risk assessments, safety investigations, changes in our operations, legislation, codes of

practice, standards and industry knowledge are considered as part of the review. Outputs of the review include a prioritised

list of our safety and health risks and control improvement plans that are built to eliminate hazards and mitigate risks.

Woolworths Group ensures the quality of hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation processes including

the competency of persons completing them by:

- Completing an analysis of the safety and health competencies that each role requires to complete hazard identification, risk

assessment and incident investigation processes, and providing a combination of internal and external training and

competency assessment to achieve these.

- Utilising internal and external independent assurance teams to assess the effectiveness of our processes and provide

details on how they can be improved

Each business participates in a safety and health management systems review program with independent assurance teams

to ensure the continuing suitability and effectiveness of their system. The review program looks at the design, implementation

and governance of the system, and is undertaken with each business, involving both front line staff and senior management.

The review process takes into account: health and safety management system audit results , objectives, targets and

performance indicators, changing circumstances , opportunities for continuous improvements.

Action plans to address improvement opportunities are monitored at a Group level and the status of improvement actions are

reported to the Board Sustainability Committee.

GRI Standards Index - Woolworths Group Limited 2021


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Processes to report hazards and hazardous situations.

Team members have many ways in which they can report work-related hazards and hazardous situations. They include:

- directly to their line manager or their Health and Safety Representative / Safety team member

- using the 'Pulse' hazard reporting program

- through programmed hazard inspection activities

- using the health and safety issue resolution process

- using the safety@woolworths email

- anonymously through the Speak Up program

Woolworths encourages team members, contractors and customers to report hazards and to stop work when they feel their

safety is at risk. The Woolworths Code of Conduct includes personal commitments to safety : "I will always address hazards

once I become aware of them"

and " immediately stop any job or task that you believe is unsafe".

Each business has a process which allows team members to stop work if they think a task or process is unsafe. There is also

an issue resolution process, safety and health representation and arrangements to assist where needed. This protects team

members from reprisals. Regulators and team member representatives can be invited into the issue resolution process at any


The Group Speak Up process enables anonymous reporting preventing any possibility of reprisal against team members.

The Group Safety, Health and Wellbeing Function is independent from the Business and monitors complaints and issues to

ensure there is no reprisal of team members who raise concerns.

Investigating work-related incidents

The Safety and Health Management Systems includes a procedure to investigate health and safety risks relating to incidents,

with the level of investigation being guided based on the severity of the incident. Investigations on more significant incidents

(Category 1 and 2 incidents) are required to identify the root cause and any contributing factors of work-related incidents

(incorporating appropriate investigation methodologies) and implement and track the completion of corrective actions.

Risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of controls and legal requirements are reviewed during the

investigation process. Investigations are undertaken by competent team members in accordance with our procedure:

- are undertaken by competent team members in accordance with our procedure

- identify the factor(s) that led to the injury, illness, incident or other system failure

- review the identified hazards, assessed risks and effectiveness of the control measures

- recommend appropriate control measures and corrective actions

Corrective actions are: determined in consultation with affected team members, implemented in a timely manner, assessed

for their effectiveness.

Incident, injury and illness data including investigation findings, hazards and risk assessments are captured in a safety

incident management system. This data is reviewed regularly to identify any emerging trends and implement required

improvement actions in the Safety and Health Management Systems.


Occupational health services

We provide various occupational health service functions to support the health, safety and wellbeing of our team members

and contractors. We utilise the services of ergonomists, physiologists and physiotherapists, psychologists, and occupational

health nurses, and other allied health specialists as required, to assist with identification and management of health and

safety risks that may impact the health and wellbeing of our team members and contractors. The way these services are

utilised varies by business.

Where applicable, team members are provided with time off their normal work tasks to consult with occupational health

services such as for health assessment and treatment. We offer open access for our team members and contractors to

confidential counselling and support services through our employee assistance program via Sonder.

Woolworths ensures the quality of the services by using independent occupational health service providers with recognised

qualifications and accreditations.


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Woolworths Ltd. published this content on 04 September 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 06 September 2021 07:51:03 UTC.