Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited at its AGM held on June 2, 2022, considered and approved the appointment of Dr. YANG Siu Shun, J.P. as an independent non-executive Director with effect from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. As disclosed in the Announcement and the Circular, upon the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting, Dr. WONG Ying Wai, G.B.S., J.P. ("Dr. WONG") and Mr. TAM Wai Hung, David ("Mr. TAM") had retired as the independent non-executive Directors of the Company. As disclosed in the Announcement, with effect immediately after the Annual General Meeting: Dr. WONG ceased to be the member of each of the audit committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee of the Board; Mr. TAM ceased to be a member of the audit committee of the Board; Dr. YANG was appointed as the chairman of the audit committee of the Board and a member of each of the remuneration committee and nomination committee of the Board; and Mr. LAM Kwong Siu, the independent non-executive Director, was re-designated as a member of the audit committee of the Board.