Business description: Yara International ASA

Yara International ASA is a worldwide leader in producing and selling mineral fertilizers. Net sales break down by activity as follows:

- production and sale of mineral fertilizers (78.3%): 22.3 million tons sold in 2023 of simple nitrogenated fertilizers (calcium nitrates, urea, etc.), complex fertilizers (nitrogen- phosphorous- and potassium- based), specialty fertilizers (plant nutrition products, potassium nitrates, etc.), and magnesium- and sulfur-based fertilizers. Net sales are distributed by geographic area between Europe (31.5%), Americas (47.5%), Africa and Asia (21%);

- sale of industrial chemical products (15.7%): 6.4 million tons of nitrogen based chemical products sold (including ammonia, nitric acids, ammonium nitrates) for the automotive, construction, waste treatment, shipping, chemical, mining and animal feed industries;

- production of ammonia (5.1%). The group also develops ammonia trading activity;

- other (0.9%).

At the end of 2023, the group had 26 production sites worldwide.

Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Europe (33.5%), Brazil (24.1%), Latin America (9.2%), Asia (14.9%), North America (11.7%) and Africa (6.6%).

Number of employees: 17,513

Sales by Activity: Yara International ASA

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


- 4.82B 7.22B 9.73B 6.21B


- 3.46B 4.82B 7.12B 4.6B

Africa & Asia

- 2.23B 3.23B 4.16B 2.91B

Industrial Solutions

- 1.98B 2.79B 4.93B 2.69B

Clean Ammonia

- - 2.32B 4.43B 1.9B


7.14B - - - -

Global Plants & Operational Excellence

- 2.44B 2.82B 4.35B 2.47B

Other and Eliminations

-6.46B -3.34B -6.58B -10.83B -5.36B

New Business

1.34B - - - -

Sales and Marketing

10.92B - - - -
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Yara International ASA

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


4.26B 3.87B 5.25B 8.43B 5.16B


3.66B 3.07B 4.55B 6.12B 3.72B


1.78B 1.69B 2.3B 3.01B 2.29B

North America

1.48B 1.29B 2.08B 2.97B 1.81B

Latin America Ex. Brazil

948M 1B 1.47B 1.92B 1.42B


718M 662M 973M 1.44B 1.02B
See all geographic segments

Executive Committee: Yara International ASA

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 53 2015-09-30
Director of Finance/CFO 53 2021-06-30
Investor Relations Contact - -
Corporate Officer/Principal 51 2020-09-30
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2023-08-10

Composition of the Board of Directors: Yara International ASA

Director TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 62 2009-12-31
Director/Board Member 65 2012-04-30
Director/Board Member 65 2014-05-04
Chairman 68 2020-05-06
Director/Board Member 53 2021-12-31
Director/Board Member 38 2019-12-31
Director/Board Member 58 2022-05-09
Director/Board Member 61 2022-05-09
Director/Board Member 58 2023-06-11
Director/Board Member 46 2023-06-11
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Yara International ASA

Government of Norway
36.21 %
92,239,891 36.21 % 2 766 M kr
6.6 %
16,811,891 6.6 % 504 M kr
Storebrand Asset Management AS
2.05 %
5,220,859 2.05 % 157 M kr
ODIN Forvaltning AS
1.795 %
4,572,083 1.795 % 137 M kr
KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS
1.3 %
3,311,433 1.3 % 99 M kr
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.004274 %
21,775 0.004274 % 326 494 kr
Gesiuris Asset Management SGIIC SA
0.003738 %
19,043 0.003738 % 285 531 kr
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000594 %
3,026 0.000594 % 45 372 kr
List of YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA shareholders

Company details: Yara International ASA

Yara International ASA

Drammensveien 131

0277, Oslo

+47 24 15 70 00
address Yara International ASA(YAR)

Group companies: Yara International ASA

NameCategory and Sector
Yara Vietnam Co. Ltd.
Yara Argentina SA
Yara Fertilizers Philippines, Inc.
Wholesale Distributors
Yara Animal Nutrition South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Chemicals: Agricultural
See all subsidiaries


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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+0.73%+3.00%-7.08%-26.48% 7.51B
+0.95%-2.03%+7.99%+13.76% 14.35B
+0.36%+0.36%-12.75%-28.54% 14.2B
-0.48%-0.72%+10.47%-49.79% 12.13B
+1.23%-0.26%-11.46%-40.27% 8.42B
-0.22%-.--%-.--%+16.45% 7.3B
+0.15%-7.65%+56.93%+113.45% 5.79B
-0.83%0.00%-12.41%-40.74% 5.47B
+0.60%+3.30%-8.62%-15.07% 2.74B
-1.07%-1.88%+45.67%+36.50% 2.5B
Average +0.15%-0.96%+6.87%-2.07% 8.04B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.28%-0.88%+3.28%-9.26%
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