Share class: Young Poong Corporation

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A11,842,040761,715 ( 41.35 %) 0 41.35 %

Major shareholders: Young Poong Corporation

322,085 16.89 % 93 M ₩
Young Poong Development Co., Ltd.
15.53 %
295,994 15.53 % 85 M ₩
225,612 11.83 % 65 M ₩
Three-hwan Jean
11.43 %
217,983 11.43 % 63 M ₩
Korea Zinc Co., Ltd.
9.978 %
190,226 9.978 % 55 M ₩
Young Poong Corp.
6.618 %
126,173 6.618 % 36 M ₩
CK Ltd.
6.45 %
122,974 6.45 % 35 M ₩
Young Poong Precision Corp.
3.592 %
68,491 3.592 % 20 M ₩
65,197 3.42 % 19 M ₩
58,022 3.043 % 17 M ₩
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Korea Zinc Co., Ltd.9.98%
Young Poong Corp.6.62%
Young Poong Precision Corp.3.59%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Individuals 52.81%
South Korea 42.92%
United Kingdom 0.03%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Young Poong Corporation
Youngpoong Corp is a Korea-based company principally engaged in the production and sale of printed circuit boards (PCBs). The Company operates its business through five segments. The Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPCB), PCB segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of FPCBs and PCBs. The Refining segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of zinc ingots, sulfuric acids. The segment is also engaged in the real estate leasing businesses. The Semiconductor segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of memory cards and other electronic components. The Product Brokerage segment is engaged in the sale of electronic equipment. The Other segment is engaged in the provision of real estate leasing management services.
More about the company