UsiquImica Do Brasil Ltda signed an agreement to acquire Ypf Brasil ComErcio De Derivados De PetrOleo Ltda from YPF Sociedad Anónima (BASE:YPFD) this week. This sales agreement includes the terms and conditions for the execution of a licensing agreement for the use of YPF's lubricant brands, which will maintain the presence of YPF products in the country.

Luiz Henrique Vieira, Thiago de Mattos Marques, Luciana Maciel, Ricardo Sassi, Luna Schioser, Gabriel Dompieri and Isabela Lopes of Bichara Barata Costa e Rocha Advogados acted as legal advisor for UsiquImica Do Brasil Ltda. Sami Arap of Arap & Nishi Attorneys at Law acted as legal advisor for YPF Sociedad Anónima.