The board of directors (the "Board") of Yunnan Water Investment Co., Limited (the "Company") announced that Ms. Li Bo ("Ms. Li"), a non-executive Director, has been redesignated as an executive Director (the "Redesignation") with effect from 24 June 2021. Upon the Redesignation, Ms. Li's other current positions in the Company remain unchanged. The biographical information of Ms. Li is set out as follows: Ms. Li, aged 44, joined the Group in August 2014, and served as the chairperson, non-executive Director and party secretary of the Company prior to the Redesignation. Ms. Li obtained a master's degree in business administration from Dalian University of Technology in Dalian in June 2008. Ms. Li has more than 13 years of experience as senior management in water industry. Save as disclosed above, Ms. Li does not hold any position with the company or any of its subsidiaries, nor did she act as director in any other listed public company in the past three years preceding the date of this announcement.