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Relation chart of related listed companies: ZAGG Inc

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Related listed companies: ZAGG Inc

Relationship chart for related private companies: ZAGG Inc

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: ZAGG Inc

Mophie, Inc.

Electrical Products

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Electrical Products1
Multi-Line Insurance1
Real Estate Development1

Countries of related companies

United States3
Logo ZAGG Inc
ZAGG Inc (ZAGG) designs, produces and distributes professional product solutions for mobile devices, including screen protection (glass and film), keyboards for tablet computers and mobile devices, keyboard cases, earbuds, mobile power solutions, cables, and cases under the ZAGG and InvisibleShield brands. In addition, the Company designs, produces and distributes earbuds, headphones, mobile power solutions, Bluetooth speakers, cases and cables for mobile devices under the iFrogz brand in the fashion and youth oriented lifestyle sector. The Company designs product solutions for users of mobile devices, and sells these products to consumers through global distribution partners and online. The Company offers products for various market segments of handheld electronic devices, including smartphones, tablets, notebook computers, laptops, gaming devices, smartwatches and similar devices and surfaces. Its other brands include mophie and BRAVEN.
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