Metalsearch Limited announced it is participating in agronomic trials to evaluate the performance of synthetic zeolites across a range of agricultural applications. The trials will be undertaken in collaboration with Griffith University and the University of Queensland. MSE is exploring the application of synthetic zeolites in the agricultural industry after being introduced to Griffith University by the University of Queensland, in order to link into an agronomic zeolite trial program to be conducted over the next 6-9 months. The program will consist of: Zeolite sorption and desorption experimentation; Agronomic performance testing via glasshouse pot trials, benchmarking against conventional soil amendment; Assessing plant growth performance under optimal water-availability and drought conditions; and Pesticide-destruction experiments - testing the photocatalytic oxidation potential of zeolites amended with commonly-encountered pesticides in Australian agriculture. MSE considers one of the inhibitors to the wider commercial adoption of synthetic zeolites in the agricultural sector has been the cost of production. The ability to produce low-cost synthetic zeolites from kaolin or suitable zero-cost mine waste streams using the University of Queensland's developed mineral processing technology enables MSE to tangibly investigate end-product strategies to exploit its patent-pending zeolite mineral processing technologies. Zeolites have a range of agricultural applications, such as; soil amendment i.e. improve water-holding capacity and aid fertilizer uptake; fertilizer additives i.e. aid slow-release; animal feed additives i.e. dietary supplement and mycotoxin adsorption; animal waste treatment i.e. increasing nitrogen retentivity and controlling moisture; and aquaculture i.e. remove ammonium, oxygen generation and as a feed supplement. Griffith University's agronomic zeolite trials will incorporate detailed economic analysis, which may potentially translate into a more intensive collaboration between Griffith University, the University of Queensland and MSE - the objective being to set the foundation for specialised synthetic zeolite Agri-product development studies.