Zeotech Limited announced that it has achieved promising early-stage results from pilot-scale trials undertaken by Griffith University ("Griffith"). The trials were undertaken over a three-month period and completed in February 2022. The encouraging results highlight the potential to sequester long-term soil carbon and endorse the Company's comprehensive dual stream research program in collaboration with Griffith.

The aim of the program is to establish scientific validation for developing Zeotech products for applications in two high potential areas of carbon markets and agricultural nutrient management. The Company is continuing process development aimed at producing a lower cost Type A zeolite, specifically designed for agricultural applications, with samples having already been produced and ready to be used in the comprehensive dual-stream research program. Zeotech values the collaboration with Griffith University, one of Australia's most highly specialised and well-resourced teams in the area of agricultural carbon and nutrient management and acknowledges the efforts of Griffith summer student's Renee Medland (carbon retention) and Mark Donaldson (nutrient retention/interception) in supporting Dr. Pratt during the successful early pilot-scale trials." Griffith University Research Trials The experimental trials were targeted at: Soil organic carbon sequestration ­ evaluating the capacity of the synthetic zeolites produced under the Company's proprietary process to protect organic carbon amendments; and Nutrient interception and retention ­ evaluating the nutrient carrying capacity of synthetic zeolites produced under Zeotech's proprietary process and competitiveness with conventional chemical fertiliser products, together with plant availability of zeolite- held nutrients.

The encouraging outcomes will inform the design of the larger trials, scheduled to commence in the coming weeks. Establishing the form and stability of this protected organic matter/carbon is a key step in evaluating the potential for the Company's synthetic zeolite product(s) to sequester long-term stable soil carbon. Early research outcomes validate the potential for Zeotech products in carbon markets, which are being developed in Griffith's dual-stream program that commenced in November 2021.

Treatments containing Zeotech products consistently exhibited higher organic matter/carbon contents than the controls for all soil and organic amendment conditions. The naturally occurring materials (natural zeolite and bentonite) exhibited higher organic matter contents than the controls for all soil and organic amendment additions apart from peat moss added to the sandy soil. The results highlight the effectiveness of Zeotech's products at protecting against organic matter/carbon loss was much higher than that of the natural minerals (natural zeolite and bentonite) shows the organic matter/carbon protection by mineral treatments, expressed as a percentage of the organic matter/carbon retained relative to the organic matter/carbon lost by the controls (where the controls equal 0%).