Zoom2u Technologies Limited announced Locate2u's first enterprise customer Amart Furniture (Amart). Zoom2u will provide Amart with access to the Locate2u SaaS technology platform for an initial 24 month term with Amart having the option to extend the term for a further two, 12 month periods. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon 90 days' written notice. Locate2u will enable Amart's drivers to provide efficient and transparent delivery of products directly to Amart's customers. The revenue derived from the Amart agreement is not expected to have a material impact on the financial performance of the company in fiscal year 2022. In addition, the company has entered into an agreement with Bing Lee to access the Zoom2u Platform. Bing Lee will use the Platform to enable the fast delivery of selected goods to consumers. The agreement is based on Zoom2u's standard customer contract and does not have a termination date. Zoom2u will receive standard transaction fees for each delivery completed for Bing Lee. There are no minimum delivery quantities pursuant to this agreement and it is not an exclusive arrangement.