2CRSi Canada, announced deploying a set of Edge-Computing servers in buildings open to the public to reuse wasted heat in place of fossil fuel heating. Since 2015, 2CRSi has been working to design innovative solutions for reusing the energy wasted as heat by computer servers. This research and development is central to the challenges of integrating and deploying artificial intelligences in datacenters, where heat-intensive components are needed to deliver the required computing power.

2CRSi's teams have just deployed in Quebec its "EDGE" solution, whose heat is reused to heat a public building during the winter, and whose operation is also planned for the summer. Edge computing technology enables data processing to be decentralized to small sites, optimizing communication in areas where bandwidth is limited. The facility's cooling systems are connected to the heating system, which previously used fossil fuels such as gas or oil.

From now on, the heat generated by the computer center will be used to heat the premises. This 2CRSi solution is powered by electricity with a very low carbon footprint. Together with its local partner, 2CRSI has just opened up a new market worth over 300 million Canadian dollars in Quebec.