AppYea, Inc. announced that is has entered into an exclusive CBD infused beverage licensing agreement with Prouty Company, Inc. The CBD infused beverage product line in development is based on four categories which are energy, focus, calm, and sleep. These are known as functional beverages and are a brand-new class of product. CBD-infused beverages are expected to become a $260 million market by 2022. The global soft drink market, in another study, is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5.62% through to 2021. CBD-based beverages are garnering all of the attention due to the recent headlines of Coca-Cola potentially getting involved in the space, but the reality is there are a number of CBD-based products that are already generating consistent and strong revenues on a daily basis. The CBD product market is already a $1 billion market and has staying power and is not anticipated to experience slowed growth at any point in the near future.