Arch Therapeutics, Inc. announced that the Company?s first commercial product, AC5® Advanced Wound System (?AC5?), will be featured at the 2024 Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Spring Meeting (?SAWC Spring?), which takes place at Orlando Marriott World Center, Orlando, from May 14-18, 2024. On May 15-16, 2024, the following clinical case, which further demonstrates the use of AC5 in patients with challenging wounds, will be presented during the poster viewing session. Arch?s team will be available for discussions with clinicians throughout the Symposium and at Arch?s booth (#535) in the exhibit hall.

Prior presentations at SAWC included a case of limb salvage in a 32 year-old patient with a necrotic spider-bite; management of post-Mohs surgery wounds; and treatment of recalcitrant wounds that previously failed to respond to other modalities. Clinicians manage a broad array of acute and chronic challenging wounds, often in patients with concurrent medical problems that interfere with healing. AC5, with its proprietary self-assembling peptide technology, presents patients and doctors an unusual mechanism of action and a different approach to wound care.

AC5 is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration for the management of partial and full-thickness wounds, such as pressure sores, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and surgical wounds. AC5 is a synthetic self-assembling wound care product that provides clinicians with multi-modal support and utility across all phases of wound healing.