The board of Australian Agricultural Company Limited announced the appointment of Mr. David Harris as the company's managing director. The appointment will take effect on 27 September 2022. Mr. Harris has been acting chief executive officer since 21 June 2022.

David Harris was originally appointed as company's chief operating officer in March 2020 and has been with the company since 2016, reporting to the CEO and board of directors with a focus on improving operational aspects across the business. David holds a Bachelor of Rural Science from the University of New England specializing in ruminant nutrition and meat science. Total fixed remuneration: Mr. Harris' total fixed remuneration is $700,000 per annum inclusive of superannuation and any remuneration applicable tax (except payroll tax) payable by the company on his total fixed remuneration, subject to review by the company on 31 March 2023 and then annually in or around July each year (including in or around July 2023).