Bionoid Pharma Inc. announced an exclusive license agreement with Global Alerts Corp. The cornerstone of the agreement is Bionoid's exclusive worldwide license to market and distribute the Universal Public Service Emergency Notification ("UPSEN") Cell Broadcasting System, widely recognized as the premier fully automated Cell Broadcasting technology. In 2022, natural disasters affected 185 million people, causing over $223 billion in economic losses and 30,704 deaths.

The harsh reality is that these numbers could be significantly reduced. The UN Global Early Warning Initiative's (the "UN Initiative") executive action plan for the next five years, referred to as the Early Warnings for All Initiative, calls for "every person on Earth to be protected by early warning systems by 2027". With Emergency Alert Systems providing just 24 hours' notice of impending hazardous events, the UN Initiative predicts that the upcoming damage can be cut by a staggering 30%.