1. DGB Financial Group(Consolidated)
2. DGB Daegu Bank(Consolidated)
3. DGB Daegu Bank(Separated)
4. Hi Investment & Securities(Consolidated)
5. DGB Life(Separated)
6. DGB Capital(Consolidated)
7. Hi Asset Management(Separated)
본 재무제표는 한국채택국제회계기준(K-IFRS)에 따라 연결기준으로 작성되었음. The financial statements presented herein are made in accordance with the Korean equivalent of International Financial Reporting Standards("Korean IFRS") 또한 본 재무제표는 외부감사인의 회계검토가 완료되지 않은 숫자로 회계감사 과정에서 일부 수정이 있을 수 있음. Also, these statements are being reviewed by our group's financial auditors and, therefore, subject to change as a result of the review.




























DGBFG BS(Consolidated)
연 결 재 무 상 태 표 (Consolidated Statesments of Financial Position)
제 13기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제 12기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
(주) DGB금융지주 및 그 종속기업(DGB Financial Group and its Subsidiaries) (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 13기 1분기말 제 12기 말
As of Mar. 31, 2023 As of Dec. 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 4,828,598,079,161 4,144,081,975,745
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 11,834,305,225,109 11,109,236,561,311
III. 파생상품 자산 (Derivative Assets) 140,102,834,669 270,760,725,543
IV. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 7,200,310,415,812 7,203,483,316,204
V. 상각후원가측정 유가증권 (Securities measured at Amortised Cost) 4,251,090,353,826 4,202,524,133,608
VI. 상각후원가측정 대출채권 (Loans at Amortised Cost) 58,887,545,562,610 59,738,168,157,905
Ⅶ. 보험계약자산 (Insurance Assets) 0 0
Ⅷ. 재보험계약자산 (Reinsurance Assets) 3,928,327,577 4,788,292,634
VII. 관계기업 및 종속회사 투자주식 (Investments in Associates) 110,547,760,915 110,191,067,963
VIII. 유형자산 (Tangible Assets) 828,128,761,840 837,817,689,908
IX. 투자부동산 (Investment Property) 157,748,261,542 157,866,438,171
X. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets) 290,179,526,575 285,570,582,716
XI. 당기법인세자산 (Current Tax Assets) 35,740,853,408 21,963,698,830
XII. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred Income Tax Assets) 120,948,111,786 161,284,339,306
XIII. 퇴직급여자산 (Retirement Payment Assets) 92,501,830,519 100,862,684,675
XIV. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 2,632,692,113,012 1,635,320,735,118
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 91,414,368,018,361 89,983,920,399,637
부 채 (Liabilities)
I. 예수부채 (Depository Liabilities) 52,874,702,329,584 53,640,451,180,991
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융부채 (Financial Liablilities Measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,004,968,095,448 462,022,876,358
III. 당기손익-공정가치지정 금융부채 (Financial Liablilities Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 929,368,947,179 899,977,338,848
IV. 파생상품부채 (Derivative Liabilities) 183,741,571,102 307,432,649,711
V. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 13,069,533,553,092 13,249,996,884,017
VI. 사채 (Bonds Payable) 7,614,066,813,055 7,488,892,832,829
VII. 퇴직급여부채 (Retirement Payment Liabilities) 115,282,348 109,653,830
VIII. 충당부채 (Liability Reserve) 61,589,642,883 59,015,061,200
IX. 당기법인세부채 (Current Tax Liabilities) 101,969,937,879 86,349,427,674
X. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred Income Tax Liabilities) 8,949,474,571 9,579,959,860
XI. 보험계약부채 (Insurance Contract Liabilities) 5,138,941,371,697 5,032,862,645,782
XI. 재보험계약부채 (Reinsurance Contract Liabilities) 7,830,445,199 6,379,579,780
XII. 기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 3,919,979,041,637 2,333,122,311,866
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 84,915,756,505,674 83,576,192,402,746
자 본 (Stockholders` Equity)
I. 지배기업소유주지분 (Equity holders of DGB Financial Group Co., LTD.) 5,667,848,341,816 5,578,021,580,309
1. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 845,729,165,000 845,729,165,000
2. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid equity securities) 464,270,491,000 498,097,600,000
3. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 1,562,451,185,572 1,562,451,185,572
4. 자본조정 (Capital Adjustment) (599,029,980) (9,980)
5. 기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Taxes) (289,737,283,823) (359,717,846,948)
6. 이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) 3,085,733,814,047 3,031,461,486,665
II. 비지배지분 (Non-controlling Interest Equity) 830,763,170,871 829,706,416,582
자 본 총 계 (Total Stockholders` Equity) 6,498,611,512,687 6,407,727,996,891
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Stockholders` Equity) 91,414,368,018,361 89,983,920,399,637


DGBFG PL(Consolidated)
연 결 포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income)
제 13 기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제 12 기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
(주) DGB금융지주 및 그 종속기업(DGB Financial Group and its Subsidiaries) (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 13 기 1분기 제 12 기 1분기
For the period ended Mar. 31, 2023 For the period ended Mar. 31, 2022
I. 순이자이익 (Net Interest Income) 388,088,773,994 380,883,872,044
1. 이자수익 (Interest Income) 965,137,859,537 599,041,164,621
(1)당기손익인식-공정가치측정 금융상품 이자수익 63,831,321,709 30,010,945,302
(2)기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융상품 이자수익 44,012,197,720 38,914,195,811
(3)상각후원가 측정 금융상품 이자수익 854,017,219,415 527,043,500,089
(4) 보험및재보험 관련 이자수익 3,277,120,693
2. 이자비용 (Interest Expense) 577,049,085,543 218,157,292,577
(1) 금융상품 관련 이자비용 (Interest Expenses on Financial Instruments) 530,323,424,078 178,216,430,177
(2) 보험및재보험 관련 이자비용 (Interest Expenses on Insurance and Reinsurance) 46,725,661,465 39,940,862,400
II. 보험및재보험 금융이익(손실) (Financial Profit or Loss on Insurance and Reinsurance) (32,766,623,941) 12,767,429,496
(1) 보험및재보험 금융수익 (Financial Revenue on Insurance and Reinsurance) 54,152,683 14,391,811,720
(2) 보험및재보험 금융비용 (Financial Expenses on Insurance and Reinsurance) 32,820,776,624 1,624,382,224
III. 순수수료이익 (Net Fee and Commission Income) 67,354,341,401 117,228,650,498
1. 수수료수익 (Fee and Commission Income) 91,018,213,318 148,703,440,767
2. 수수료비용 (Commission Expense) 23,663,871,917 31,474,790,269
IV. 순보험이익 (Net Insurance Income) 20,060,144,581 16,107,959,806
1. 보험수익 (Insurance Income) 67,440,764,336 66,260,177,947
2. 보험비용 (Insurance Expense) 47,380,619,755 50,152,218,141
V. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융상품 순이익 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 190,948,283,346 (11,328,004,887)
1. 당기손익조정접근법 조정 전 순이익 190,948,283,346 (11,328,004,887)
2. 당기손익조정접근법 조정손익 - -
VI. 당기손익-공정가치지정 금융상품 순이익 (Net Income on Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) (61,301,545,148) 21,816,056,079
VII. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 순이익 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 17,264,043,521 11,255,993,220
VIII. 신용손실충당금 전입액 (Provision for Credit Losses) 110,019,453,159 42,487,332,426
IX. 외환거래순이익(손실) (Net Income on foreign currency translation and transactions 52,733,667,660 40,264,525,608
X. 일반관리비 (General and Administrative Expenses) 242,460,044,178 241,688,358,982
XI. 기타영업순이익(손실) (Net Other Operating Income(Loss)) (60,604,511,868) (64,585,597,319)
XII. 영업이익 (Operating Income) 229,297,076,209 240,235,193,137
XIII. 영업외이익(손실) (Non-Operating Income(Loss)) (4,257,358,617) 490,041,796
XIV. 법인세비용차감전순이익 (Profit Before Tax) 225,039,717,592 240,725,234,933
XV. 법인세비용(수익) (Income Tax Expense(Income)) 47,390,310,120 58,915,047,596
XVI. 계속영업당기순이익 (Profit for the period from Continuing Operations) 177,649,407,472 181,810,187,337
XVII. 중단영업당기순이익 (Profit for the period from Discontinued Operations) - -
XVIII. 연결당기순이익 (Profit for the period) 177,649,407,472 181,810,187,337
당기순이익의 귀속 (Profit attributable to)
지배기업 소유주 지분 (Equity holders of DGB Financial Group Co., LTD.) 167,998,514,182 169,954,157,771
비지배지분 (Non-Controlling Interest) 9,650,893,290 11,856,029,566
XIX. 연결기타포괄손익(Comprehensive Income) 70,423,562,649 (82,772,920,382)
1.후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 포괄손익 (Subsequently reclassified to profit or loss items) 69,045,042,456 (80,678,808,619)
1-1. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산평가손익 (Gain(loss) on Valuation of Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 139,926,619,688 (332,495,960,115)
1-2. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산의 기대신용손실 (Expected Credit Loss on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 140,728,662 (18,881,721)
1-3. 해외사업장 외화환산차이 (Net gain (loss) on Translation of Foreign Operations) 15,743,060,548 9,277,065,142
1-4. 해외사업장순투자위험회피평가손익 (Gain(Loss) on Hedging Instruments of a Net Investment in Foreign Operations) (11,546,544,997) (7,837,486,438)
1-5. 현금흐름위험회피 평가손익 (Gain(Loss) on Valuation of Derivatives Instruments for Cashflow Hedge) 298,286,195 (1,424,565,436)
1-6. 당기손익조정접근법 조정액 (Overlay Adjustment) - -
1-7.관계기업의 기타포괄손익에 대한 지분 (Equity in Other Comprehensive Income(loss) of associates) - -
1-8. 보험계약 관련 금융손익 (74,588,197,816) 249,883,028,008
1-9. 재보험계약 관련 금융손익 (928,909,824) 1,937,991,941
2.후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 포괄손익 (Subsequently not reclassified to profit or loss items) 1,378,520,193 (2,094,111,763)
2-1. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산평가손익 (Gain(loss) on Valuation of Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 1,550,634,357 (1,905,079,680)
2-2. 당기손익-공정가치지정 금융상품의 자기신용위험 조정 (Fair value changes on financial liabilities designated at fair value due to own credit risk) - -
2-3. 확정급여채무채측정요소 (Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability) (172,114,164) (189,032,083)
XX. 연결당기총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income for the Period) 248,072,970,121 99,037,266,955
총포괄이익의 귀속 (Total Comprehensive Income attributable to)
지배기업 소유주 지분 (Equity holders of DGB Financial Group Co., LTD.) 237,979,077,307 87,346,273,743
비지배지분 (Non-Controlling Interest) 10,093,892,814 11,690,993,212
XXI. 계속영업과 중단영업 기본주당이익 (Basic Earnings per Share) 966 978
계속영업 기본주당이익 966 978
* 영업수익(매출액) (Sales Account) 2,417,129,552,957 1,431,376,262,305


Daegu Bank BS(Consolidated)
연 결 재 무 상 태 표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position)
제67(당)기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제66(전)기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
주식회사 대구은행과 그 종속회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 67기 1분기말 제 66 기말
As of Mar. 31, 2023 As of Dec. 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 3,057,953,604,229 2,653,164,041,524
II. 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,564,152,229,643 1,449,811,072,614
III. 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 3,358,556,249,785 3,206,231,989,352
IV. 상각후원가 측정 유가증권 (Securities at Amortized Cost) 4,251,090,353,826 4,202,524,133,608
V. 상각후원가 측정 대출채권 (Loans at Amortized Cost) 52,989,964,650,497 53,844,798,152,617
VI. 파생상품자산 (Derivative Assets) 100,798,853,310 211,245,266,091
VII. 관계기업투자 (Investments in Associates) 32,309,282,542 32,646,802,219
VIII. 유형자산 (Properties and Equipments, net) 565,575,183,335 570,670,782,559
IX. 투자부동산 (Investment Properties net) 110,592,989,699 110,818,670,632
X. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets, net) 175,426,446,728 170,737,100,745
XI. 확정급여자산 (Net Defined Benefit Assets) 74,246,149,536 79,838,962,080
XII. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred Income Tax Assets) 20,022,701,955 38,360,240,975
XIII. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 1,433,516,445,842 892,757,622,748
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 67,734,205,140,927 67,463,604,837,764
(계 속)
부 채 (Liabilities)
I. 예수부채 (Deposits) 52,811,951,845,119 53,654,370,243,027
II. 파생상품부채 (Derivative Liabilities) 98,202,133,953 223,998,440,330
III. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 4,834,826,890,276 4,660,841,765,292
IV. 사채 (Debentures) 2,773,263,436,268 2,638,245,493,070
V. 확정급여부채 (Net Defined Benefit Obligations) - -
VI. 충당부채 (Provisions) 42,533,733,090 39,769,469,465
VII. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred Income Tax Liabilities) - -
VIII. 기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 2,187,705,173,271 1,416,796,894,093
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 62,748,483,211,977 62,634,022,305,277
자 본 (Equity)
I. 지배기업주주지분 (Controlling Interests) 4,985,721,928,950 4,829,582,532,487
1. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 680,625,000,000 680,625,000,000
2. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid Bonds) 688,334,620,000 688,284,620,000
3. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 192,230,919,201 192,230,919,201
4. 자본조정 (Capital Adjustment) (332,520,000) -
5. 기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)) (86,206,050,225) (122,835,106,613)
6. 이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) [3,511,069,959,974] [3,391,277,099,899]
[ 대손준비금 적립액 ] (Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) [336,656,000,000] [336,514,000,000]
[ 대손준비금 미적립액 ] (Untransferrd Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) - -
[ 대손준비금 전입필요액, 환입: △ ] (Required Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) [△28,327,000,000] [142,000,000]
[ 대손준비금 추가적립예정금액, 환입: △ ] (Estimated Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) (28,327,000,000) 142,000,000
II. 비지배지분 (Non-Controlling Interests) - -
자 본 총 계 (Total Equity) 4,985,721,928,950 4,829,582,532,487
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Equity) 67,734,205,140,927 67,463,604,837,764


Daegu Bank PL(Consolidated)
연 결 포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income)
제67(당) 기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제66(전) 기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
주식회사 대구은행과 그 종속회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제67기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2023 제66기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2022
3 Month Period 3 Month Period
I. 순이자이익 (Net Interest Income) 361,878,429,345 322,785,020,515
1. 이자수익 (Interest Income) 746,763,673,955 451,362,967,334
(1) 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 이자수익 (Interest Income from Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 3,871,471,392 1,851,204,337
(2) 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 및 상각후원가 측정 금융상품 이자수익 (Interest Income on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income and Amortized Cost) 742,892,202,563 449,511,762,997
2. 이자비용 (Interest Expense) 384,885,244,610 128,577,946,819
II. 순수수료이익 (Net Fee and Commission Income) 23,054,146,955 23,882,863,425
1. 수수료수익 (Fee and Commission Income) 36,311,033,116 36,875,734,752
2. 수수료비용 (Fee and Commission Expense) 13,256,886,161 12,992,871,327
Ⅲ. 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 관련 순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 37,901,665,240 34,269,644,043
IV. 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 관련 순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 1,158,284,568 512,354,211
V. 신용손실충당금 전입액 (Provision for Credit Losses) 68,052,358,663 41,964,567,642
VI. 외환거래순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Foreign Exchange) (8,612,005,777) (7,038,958,107)
VII. 일반관리비 (General and Administrative Expenses) 158,904,745,384 150,856,620,063
VIII. 기타영업순손익 (Net Other Operating Income(Expense)) (24,521,560,016) (35,180,975,754)
IX. 영업이익 (Net Operating Profit) 163,901,856,268 146,408,760,628
(계 속)
X. 영업외순손익 (Net Non-Operating Income(Expense)) (2,064,597,672) 2,825,945,441
XI. 법인세비용차감전순이익 (Profit Before Income Tax Expense) 161,837,258,596 149,234,706,069
XII. 법인세비용 (Income Tax Expense) 34,007,531,855 30,576,988,810
XIII. 연결당기순이익 (Net Income for The Period) 127,829,726,741 118,657,717,259
[ 대손준비금반영후 조정이익 ] (Adjusted Net Income after Reserves for Credit Losses) 156,156,726,741 129,820,717,259
XIV. 당기기타포괄손익 (Other Comprehensive Income(Loss) for The Period, Net of Tax) 36,629,056,388 (39,093,830,535)
1. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 포괄손익 (Subsequently Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) 37,844,527,631 (37,720,209,211)
(1) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 채무상품평가손익 (Revaluation Gains(Losses) on Debt Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 34,650,087,060 (39,329,187,181)
(2) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산의 기대신용손실 (Expected Credit Losses on Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 53,983,542 (106,437,241)
(3) 해외사업장환산손익 (Gains(Losses) on Translation of Foreign Operations) 14,687,002,026 9,552,901,649
(4) 해외사업장순투자 위험회피평가손익 (Gains(Losses) on Hedging Instruments of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation) (11,546,544,997) (7,837,486,438)
2. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 포괄손익 (Subsequently not Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) (1,215,471,243) (1,373,621,324)
(1) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 지분상품평가손익 (Revaluation Gains(Losses) on Equity Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) (1,215,471,243) (1,373,621,324)
(2) 확정급여제도의 재측정요소 (Actuarial Gains(Losses) on Post Defined Benefit Pension Plans) - -
(2) 확정급여제도의 재측정요소 (Actuarial Gains(Losses) on Post Defined Benefit Pension Plans)
XV. 연결당기총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income for The Period) 164,458,783,129 79,563,886,724
1. 연결당기순이익의 귀속 (Net Income Attributable to : )
지배주주지분순이익 (Net Income in Controlling Interests) 127,829,726,741 118,657,717,259
비지배주주지분순이익 (Net Income in Non-Controlling Interests) - -
2. 연결당기총포괄이익의 귀속 (Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to : )
지배주주지분총괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income in Controlling Interests) 164,458,783,129 79,563,886,724
비지배주주지분총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income in Non-Controlling Interests) - -
XVI. 기본및희석주당순이익 (Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share) 880 816


Daegu Bank BS(Separated)
재 무 상 태 표 (Statements of Financial Position)
제67(당)기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제66(전)기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
주식회사 대구은행 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 67기 1분기말 제 66 기말
As of Mar. 31, 2023 As of Dec. 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 2,948,005,142,114 2,562,432,825,954
II. 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,332,611,900,370 1,205,346,261,683
III. 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 3,358,556,249,785 3,206,231,989,352
IV. 상각후원가 측정 유가증권 (Securities at Amortized Cost) 4,251,090,353,826 4,202,524,133,608
V. 상각후원가 측정 대출채권 (Loans at Amortized Cost) 52,721,929,853,846 53,654,718,255,108
VI. 파생상품자산 (Derivative Assets) 100,798,853,310 211,245,266,091
VII. 종속기업및관계기업투자 (Investments in Subsidiaries and Associates) 180,643,862,559 174,164,862,559
VIII. 유형자산 (Properties and Equipments, net) 554,506,245,340 560,948,009,186
IX. 투자부동산 (Investment Properties net) 110,592,989,699 110,818,670,632
X. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets, net) 129,467,911,916 125,741,354,033
XI. 확정급여자산 (Net Defined Benefit Assets) 74,246,149,536 79,838,962,080
XII. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred Income Tax Assets) 26,007,932,055 43,072,362,053
XIII. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 1,440,379,702,544 910,000,540,223
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 67,228,837,146,900 67,047,083,492,562
(계 속)
부 채 (Liabilities)
I. 예수부채 (Deposits) 52,526,099,188,537 53,383,775,385,304
II. 파생상품부채 (Derivative Liabilities) 98,202,133,953 223,998,440,330
III. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 4,762,919,166,383 4,591,548,432,897
IV. 사채 (Debentures) 2,699,463,436,268 2,638,245,493,070
V. 확정급여부채 (Net Defined Benefit Obligations) - -
VI. 충당부채 (Provisions) 42,701,902,867 39,939,927,451
VII. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred Income Tax Liabilities) - -
VII. 기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 2,195,964,639,919 1,414,287,065,567
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 62,325,350,467,927 62,291,794,744,619
자 본 (Equity)
I. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 680,625,000,000 680,625,000,000
II. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid Bonds) 688,334,620,000 688,284,620,000
III. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 192,230,919,201 192,230,919,201
IV. 자본조정 (Capital Adjustment) (332,520,000) -
IV. 기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)) (87,395,098,752) (122,552,043,205)
V. 이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) [3,430,023,758,524] [3,316,700,251,947]
[ 대손준비금 적립액 ] (Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) [334,094,000,000] [333,376,000,000]
[ 대손준비금 미적립액 ] (Untransferrd Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) - -
[ 대손준비금 전입필요액, 환입: △ ] (Required Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) [△29,975,000,000] [718,000,000]
[ 대손준비금 추가적립예정금액, 환입: △ ] (Estimated Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) (29,975,000,000) 718,000,000
자 본 총 계 (Total Equity) 4,903,486,678,973 4,755,288,747,943
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Equity) 67,228,837,146,900 67,047,083,492,562


Daegu Bank PL(Separated)
포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Statements of Comprehensive Income)
제67(당) 기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제66(전) 기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
주식회사 대구은행 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제67기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2023 제66기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2022
3 Month Period 3 Month Period
I. 순이자이익 (Net Interest Income) 353,753,936,919 312,884,991,193
1. 이자수익 (Interest Income) 731,988,183,727 439,662,860,959
(1) 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 이자수익 (Interest Income from Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,241,573,790 360,312,187
(2) 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 및 상각후원가 측정 금융상품 이자수익 (Interest Income on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income and Amortized Cost) 730,746,609,937 439,302,548,772
2. 이자비용 (Interest Expense) 378,234,246,808 126,777,869,766
II. 순수수료이익 (Net Fee and Commission Income) 23,339,317,099 24,529,106,644
1. 수수료수익 (Fee and Commission Income) 36,358,083,899 37,130,837,057
2. 수수료비용 (Fee and Commission Expense) 13,018,766,800 12,601,730,413
Ⅲ. 당기손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 관련 순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 34,856,593,823 34,417,886,496
IV. 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 금융상품 관련 순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Financial Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 1,158,284,568 512,354,211
V. 신용손실충당금 전입액 (Provision for Credit Losses) 66,703,747,398 40,807,200,598
VI. 외환거래순손익 (Net Gains(Losses) on Foreign Exchange) (13,468,287,782) (10,310,818,066)
VII. 일반관리비 (General and Administrative Expenses) 153,600,086,830 146,571,888,939
VIII. 기타영업순손익 (Net Other Operating Income(Expense)) (24,421,236,507) (35,074,240,333)
IX. 영업이익 (Net Operating Profit) 154,914,773,892 139,580,190,608
(계 속)
X. 영업외순손익 (Net Non-Operating Income(Expense)) (1,210,881,954) 3,245,978,245
XI. 법인세비용차감전순이익 (Profit Before Income Tax Expense) 153,703,891,938 142,826,168,853
XII. 법인세비용 (Income Tax Expense) 32,343,518,695 28,852,752,418
XIII. 당기순이익 (Net Income for The Period) 121,360,373,243 113,973,416,435
[ 대손준비금반영후 조정이익 ] (Adjusted Net Income after Reserves for Credit Losses) 151,335,373,243 124,492,416,435
XIV. 당기기타포괄손익 (Other Comprehensive Income(Loss) for The Period, Net of Tax) 35,156,944,453 (39,709,106,397)
1. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 포괄손익 (Subsequently Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) 36,372,415,696 (38,335,485,073)
(1) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 채무상품평가손익 (Revaluation Gains(Losses) on Debt Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 34,650,087,060 (39,329,187,181)
(2) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산의 기대신용손실 (Expected Credit Losses on Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 53,983,542 (106,437,241)
(3) 해외사업장환산손익 (Gains(Losses) on Translation of Foreign Operations) 3,623,511,341 2,442,431,962
(4) 해외사업장순투자 위험회피평가손익 (Gains(Losses) on Hedging Instruments of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation) (1,955,166,247) (1,342,292,613)
2. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 포괄손익 (Subsequently not Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) (1,215,471,243) (1,373,621,324)
(1) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 지분상품평가손익 (Revaluation Gains(Losses) on Equity Instruments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) (1,215,471,243) (1,373,621,324)
(2) 확정급여제도의 재측정요소 (Actuarial Gains(Losses) on Post Defined Benefit Pension Plans) - -
(2) 확정급여제도의 재측정요소 (Actuarial Gains(Losses) on Post Defined Benefit Pension Plans)
XV. 당기총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income for The Period) 156,517,317,696 74,264,310,038
XVI. 기본및희석주당순이익 (Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share) 832 781


Hi Invest. BS(Consolidated)
연 결 재 무 상 태 표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position)
제 36 기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일
제 35 기 말 2022년 12월 31일
하이투자증권주식회사 및 그 종속기업 (단위 : 원) (Unit:Won)
과 목 제 36기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 35기 말 As of December 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 1,540,618,827,729 1,233,375,125,402
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 8,132,011,064,363 8,010,019,021,107
III. 파생상품 자산 (Derivative Assets) 32,480,657,675 37,541,576,092
IV. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 241,022,299,520 239,288,843,415
V. 상각후원가측정 대출채권 (Loans at Amortised Cost) 2,023,820,473,383 2,114,231,095,548
VI. 관계기업투자주식 (Investments in Associates) 68,223,322,951 68,063,591,849
VII. 유형자산 (Property and equipment) 69,380,108,018 72,678,101,445
VIII. 무형자산 (Intangible assets) 27,674,379,543 27,069,484,841
IX. 기타금융자산 (Other Financial Assets) 956,609,995,223 505,752,058,807
X. 기타자산 (Other assets) 126,371,056,684 128,262,043,072
XI. 당기법인세자산 (Current tax assets) 15,577,589,438 5,181,721,130
XII. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred tax assets) 18,910,067,271 24,102,109,314
자 산 총 계 (Total assets) 13,252,699,841,798 12,465,564,772,022
부 채 (Liabilities)
I. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융부채 (Financial Liablilities Measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,004,968,095,448 462,022,876,358
II. 당기손익-공정가치지정 금융부채 (Financial Liablilities Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 929,368,947,179 899,977,338,848
III. 파생상품부채 (Derivative Liabilities) 37,515,407,099 58,023,647,731
IV. 예수부채 (Depository liabilities) 486,186,792,320 464,606,835,984
V. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 7,964,926,319,185 8,420,060,754,367
VI. 사채 (Debentures) 299,337,349,954 299,176,861,990
VII. 충당부채 (Provisions) 4,646,330,405 4,574,466,131
VIII. 퇴직급여부채 (Retirement Payment Liabilities) 0 0
VIII. 기타금융부채 (Other financial liabilities) 991,191,963,529 318,676,682,714
IX. 기타부채 (Other liabilities) 147,824,609,481 158,177,218,937
X. 당기법인세부채 (Current tax liabilities) 5,294,543,600 9,383,283,793
XII. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred tax liabilities) - -
부 채 총 계 (Total liabilities) 11,871,260,358,200 11,094,679,966,853
자 본 (Equity)
지배기업의 소유주에게 귀속되는 자본 (Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company) 1,381,439,483,598 1,370,884,805,169
I. 자본금 (Share capital) 274,620,127,500 274,620,127,500
II. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid equity securities) 199,963,536,400 199,963,536,400
III. 기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 539,198,949,840 539,198,949,840
IV. 기타자본구성요소 (Other components of equity) (6,580,091,824) (9,746,263,946)
V. 이익잉여금 (Retained earnings) 374,236,961,682 366,848,455,375
비지배지분 (Non-controlling interests) - -
자 본 총 계 (Total equity) 1,381,439,483,598 1,370,884,805,169
부 채 와 자 본 총 계 (Total liabilities and equity) 13,252,699,841,798 12,465,564,772,022


Hi Invest. PL(Consolidated)
연 결 포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income)
제 36기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제 35기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
하이투자증권주식회사 및 그 종속기업 (단위 : 원) (Unit:Won)
과 목 제36기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2023 제35기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2022
3 Month Period 3 Month Period
I. 영업수익 (Operating Income) 855,296,896,876 411,866,711,012
1. 수수료수익 (Commission Income) 47,984,275,740 104,603,505,211
2. 금융상품평가및처분이익 (Gains on Valuation and disposal of financial instruments) 363,864,355,596 140,994,556,326
3. 파생상품평가및거래이익 (Gain on valuation and transaction of derivative instruments) 250,442,400,878 99,977,715,541
4. 이자수익 (Interest income) 109,972,972,958 58,835,535,457
5. 상각후원가금융자산평가및처분이익 (Gain on valuation and disposal of financial Assets Measured at Amortized Cost) 74,857,010,364 1,690,858,141
6. 외환거래이익 (Gain on foreign currency transactions ) 5,561,069,792 1,568,585,556
7. 기타의영업수익 (Other operating income) 2,614,811,548 4,195,954,780
II. 영업비용 (Operating expenses) 839,030,331,880 362,606,517,170
1. 수수료비용 (Commission expenses) 8,019,501,530 15,716,459,338
2. 금융상품평가및처분손실 (Loss on valuation and disposal of financial instruments) 330,301,160,380 136,907,151,607
3. 파생상품평가및거래손실 (Loss on valuation and transaction of derivative instruments) 234,643,868,845 113,678,002,227
4. 이자비용 (Interest expenses) 102,125,776,339 24,621,758,888
5. 상각후원가금융자산평가및처분손실 (Loss on valuation and disposal of financial Assets Measured at Amortizes Cost) 103,956,781,754 1,037,429,872
6. 외환거래손실 (Loss on foreign currency transactions) 162,572,107 1,769,288,382
7. 판매관리비 (Selling and administrative expenses) 59,005,953,651 68,698,907,712
8. 기타의영업비용 (Other operating expenses) 814,717,274 177,519,144
III. 영업이익 (Operating profit) 16,266,564,996 49,260,193,842
IV. 영업외수익 (Non-operating income) 825,939,940 614,244,281
V. 영업외비용 (Non-operating expenses) 1,076,964,509 1,123,906,956
VI. 법인세비용차감전순이익 (Profit before income tax) 16,015,540,427 48,750,531,167
VII. 법인세비용 (Income tax expense) 2,027,034,120 13,861,813,917
VIII. 당기순이익 (Profit for the period) 13,988,506,307 34,888,717,250
1. 지배기업 소유주지분 (Profit is attributable to Owners of the Parent Company) 13,988,506,307 34,888,717,250
2. 비지배지분 (Profit is attributable to Non-controlling interests) - -
IX. 기타포괄손익 (Other comprehensive income(loss) for the period, net of tax) 3,166,172,122 (983,870,838)
1. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 항목 (Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:) (13,446,541) (278,172,885)
확정급여제도의재측정요소 (Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities) (144,354,832) (180,671,230)
기타포괄손익-공정가치금융자산관련손익 (Changes in the fair value of financial assets measured at Fair Value through other comprehensive income) 130,908,291 (97,501,655)
2. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 항목 (Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:) 3,179,618,663 (705,697,953)
기타포괄손익-공정가치금융자산관련손익 (Changes in the fair value of financial assets measured at Fair Value through other comprehensive income) 3,179,618,663 (705,697,953)
지분법자본변동 (Changes in equity method investees with accumulated comprehensive income) 0 0
X. 당기총포괄이익 (Total comprehensive income for the period) 17,154,678,429 33,904,846,412
1. 지배기업지분 총포괄이익 (Comprehensive income attribute to shareholder) 17,154,678,429 33,904,846,412
2. 비지배지분 총포괄이익 (Comprehensive income attribute to the non-controlling interests) 0 0


DGB Life BS(Separated)
재 무 상 태 표 (Statesments of Financial Position)
제 37(당)기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제 36(전)기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
DGB생명보험주식회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 37(당)기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 36(전)기 말 As of December 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 199,088,853,022 261,602,008,369
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 1,755,544,828,367 1,316,314,971,594
III. 기타포괄-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 3,554,233,306,507 3,711,463,923,437
IV. 상각후원가측정 유가증권 (Securities measured at Amortised Cost) 0 0
V. 상각후원가측정 대출채권및수취채권 (Loans and Receivables at Amortised Cost) 177,829,079,028 177,723,990,442
Ⅵ. 위험회피파생상품자산 (Derivative Assets Hedging) 6,823,323,684 21,973,883,360
Ⅶ. 종속기업및관계기업투자 (Investment in Subsidiaries and Associates) 51,339,320,000 51,604,180,000
Ⅷ. 유형자산 (Tangible Assets) 14,186,501,056 15,371,224,075
Ⅸ. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets) 21,440,350,607 22,760,521,484
X. 투자부동산 (Investment Property) 697,006,400 697,006,400
XI. 보험계약자산 (Insurance Contract Assets) 0 0
XII. 재보험계약자산 (Reinsurance Contract Assets) 3,928,327,577 4,788,292,634
XIII. 당기법인세자산 (Current Tax Assets) 20,690,249,620 16,344,668,570
XIV. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred Tax Assets) 76,859,422,930 92,883,204,108
XV. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 4,115,832,951 1,529,738,649
XVI. 퇴직급여자산 (Net Defined Benefit Assets) 111,464,442 338,929,021
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 5,886,887,866,191 5,695,396,542,143
과 목 제 37(당)기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 36(전)기 말 As of December 31, 2022
부 채 (Liabilities)
Ⅰ.보험계약부채 (Insurance Contract Liabilities) 5,139,005,347,522 5,032,862,645,782
Ⅱ.재보험계약부채 (Reinsurance Contract Liabilities) 7,830,445,199 6,379,579,780
III.투자계약부채 (Investment Contracts Liabilities) 0 0
Ⅳ.계약자지분조정 (Policy Reserve Adjustment) (63,975,825) (50,184,049)
V. 당기손익인식금융부채 (Fair Value Financial Liabilities) 0 0
Ⅵ. 단기매매금융부채 (Short-term Financial Liabilities) 0 0
VII.위험회피회계파생상품부채 (Derivative Liabilities Hedging) 48,024,030,050 25,410,561,650
VIII.차입부채 (Borrowings) 99,738,506,466 99,729,362,186
Ⅸ.충당부채 (Provisions) 13,867,892,540 13,875,042,024
Ⅹ.퇴직급여부채 (Retirement Payment Liabilities) 0 0
ⅩI.이연법인세부채 (Deferred tax liabilities) 0 0
ⅩII.기타금융부채 (Other Financial Liabilities) 44,595,996,884 44,180,829,799
ⅩIII.기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 3,212,906,953 2,529,503,397
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 5,356,211,149,789 5,224,917,340,569
자 본 (Stockholders` Equity)
I. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 290,649,565,000 290,649,565,000
II. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 203,168,517,223 203,168,517,223
III. 이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) 136,455,992,884 105,830,753,674
IV.자본조정 (Reserve of share-based payments) 0 0
Ⅴ.기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income , Net of Taxes) (194,477,188,705) (224,049,464,323)
Ⅵ. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid Bond) 94,879,830,000 94,879,830,000
자 본 총 계 (Total Stockholders` Equity) 530,676,716,402 470,479,201,574
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Stockholders` Equity) 5,886,887,866,191 5,695,396,542,143


DGB Life PL(Separated)
포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Statement of Comprehensive Income)
제 37(당)기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제 36(전)기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
DGB생명보험주식회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 37 (당)기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2023 제 36 (전)기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2022
Ⅰ.영업수익 (Operating Income) 272,705,112,199 213,408,983,702
1.보험영업수익 (Insurance Revenue) 56,688,632,456 53,932,256,563
2.재보험수익 (Reinsurance Revenue) 10,752,131,880 12,327,921,384
3.보험금융수익 (Insurance Finance Income) 3,331,273,376 17,464,335,139
4.이자수익 (Interest Income) 32,217,940,674 29,988,124,919
5.배당수익 (Dividend Return) 1,341,149,755 970,448,626
6.금융상품관련이익 (Gains on Financial Instruments) 106,877,216,239 46,445,165,465
7.위험회피대상관련이익 (Gain on Hedged Item) 1,406,225,429 2,231,427,880
8.위험회피수단관련이익 (Gain on Derivative Hedging Instrument) 39,061,336,555 39,614,633,914
9.외환거래이익 (Gains Foreign Currency Transactions) 20,337,923,118 10,068,368,997
10.기타영업수익 (Other Operating Income) 691,282,717 366,300,815
Ⅱ.영업비용 (Operating Expenses & Claims) 233,448,549,822 193,160,631,059
1.보험영업비용 (Insurance Service Expenses) 39,146,429,204 38,622,840,482
2.재보험비용 (Reinsurance Expenses) 9,670,372,266 11,818,530,785
3.기타사업비용 (Other Operating Expenses) 4,201,074,519 3,243,120,193
4.보험금융비용 (Insurance Finance Expenses) 79,546,438,089 41,565,244,624
5.이자비용 (Interest Expenses) 1,411,467,664 2,347,252,745
6. 금융상품관련손실 (Losses on Financial Instruments) 57,726,477,618 59,258,321,330
7.위험회피대상관련손실 (Loss on Hedged Item) 35,606,953,925 32,760,802,172
8.위험회피수단관련손실 (Loss on Derivative Hedging Instrument) 0 439,667,790
9.외환거래손실 (Losses Foreign Currency Transactions) 3,752,079,826 1,523,051,143
10. 기타영업비용 (Other Operating Expense) 2,387,256,711 1,581,799,795
Ⅲ.영업이익 (Net Operating Income) 39,256,562,377 20,248,352,643
Ⅳ.영업외수익 (Other Operating Profit) 881,679,869 71,929,719
Ⅴ.영업외비용 (Other Operating Loss) 2,363,079,676 2,378,152,493
Ⅵ.법인세비용차감전순이익(손실) (Income(Loss) before Income Taxes) 37,775,162,570 17,942,129,869
Ⅶ.법인세비용 (Corporate Tax Expense) 7,149,923,360 4,644,136,911
Ⅷ.당기순이익 (Net Income for the Period) 30,625,239,210 13,297,992,958
Ⅸ.기타포괄손익 (Other Comprehensive Income, net of income tax) 29,572,275,618 (41,887,924,146)
1.후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 항목 (Items not subsequently reclassified to net income)
기타포괄손익-공정가치지분상품평가손익 등 (Unrealized net change in fair value of equity financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income) 2,766,105,600 0
재평가 잉여금 (Revaluation Surplus) 0 0
확정급여부채 재측정요소 (Remeasurement elements of defined benefit obligation) (27,759,331) (8,360,853)
2. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 항목 (Items subsequently reclassified to net income)
기타포괄손익-공정가치채무상품평가손익 등 (Gain(loss) on Valuation of Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 102,052,750,794 (292,276,017,806)
보험계약자산(부채)순금융손익 (Net finance income(expenses) from insurance contracts ) (74,588,197,816) 249,883,028,008
재보험계약자산(부채)순금융손익 (Net finance income(expenses) from reinsurance contracts) (928,909,824) 1,937,991,941
관계·종속기업투자주식평가 (Gain(Loss) on valuation of investment in subsidiaries and associates ) 0 0
해외사업환산손익 (Gain(Loss) on foreign currency translation of operations) 0 0
현금흐름위험회피파생상품평가손익 (Gain(loss) on Derivative Assets Hedging) 298,286,195 (1,424,565,436)
특별계정기타포괄손익누계액 (Separate Account) 0 0
기타 (Other) 0 0
Ⅹ.총포괄이익(손실) (Total Comprehensive Income for the Period) 60,197,514,828 (28,589,931,188)


DGB Capital BS(Consolidated)
연 결 재 무 상 태 표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position)
제 15(당)기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제 14(전)기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
주식회사 디지비캐피탈과 그 종속회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 15(당)기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 14(전)기 말 As of December 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Due from Banks) 154,391,672,480 169,083,571,407
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 276,057,387,174 255,886,142,613
III. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 46,249,410,000 46,249,410,000
IV. 관계기업투자자산 (Investments in Associates) 31,545,604,614 31,916,524,929
V. 상각후원가측정대출채권 (Loans at Amortised Cost) 2,330,130,479,301 2,363,589,808,587
VI. 상각후원가측정할부금융자산 (Installment Financial Assets) 14,719,245,520 17,267,238,241
VII. 리스자산 (Lease Assets) 1,457,464,843,823 1,431,757,844,880
VIII. 상각후원가측정기타금융자산 (Other Financial Assets) 23,491,185,272 26,909,483,946
IX. 유형자산 (Properties and Equipments, net) 13,149,025,119 13,730,493,417
X. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets, net) 9,375,216,951 8,836,659,548
XI. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 16,001,786,024 14,360,008,548
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 4,372,575,856,278 4,379,587,186,116
(계 속)
부 채 (Liabilities)
I. 차입부채 (Borrowed Funds) 3,415,145,823,480 3,433,927,047,192
II. 충당부채 (Provisions) 735,441,091 748,933,196
III. 확정급여부채 (Defined Benefit Obligations) 115,282,348 109,653,830
IV. 기타금융부채 (Other financial Liabilities) 301,996,514,279 295,549,258,758
V. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred Income Tax Liabilities) 7,963,867,876 8,030,106,033
VI. 기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 86,621,646,196 102,822,307,397
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 3,812,578,575,270 3,841,187,306,406
자 본 (Equity)
I. 지배기업주주지분 (Controlling interest) 558,742,563,223 537,270,781,084
1. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 151,964,360,000 151,964,360,000
2. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 208,579,484,973 208,579,484,973
3. 기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income(Loss), Net of Taxes) (8,423,620,351) (9,414,173,633)
4. 이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) 206,622,338,601 186,141,109,744
[ 대손준비금 적립액 ] (Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) - -
[ 대손준비금 전입필요액, 환입: △ ] (Required Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses) - -
[ 대손준비금 추가적립예정금액, 환입: △ ] (Estimated Transfer to Regulatory Reserves for Loan Losses)
II. 비지배지분 (Non-controlling interest) 1,254,717,785 1,129,098,626
자 본 총 계 (Total Equity) 559,997,281,008 538,399,879,710
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Equity) 4,372,575,856,278 4,379,587,186,116


DGB Capital PL(Consolidated)
연 결 포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income)
제 15(당)기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제 14(전)기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
주식회사 디지비캐피탈과 그 종속회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 15(당)기 1분기 For the period ended Mar. 31, 2023 제 14(전)기 1분기 For the period ended Mar. 31, 2022
3 Month Period 3 Month Period
I. 순이자이익 (Net Interest Income) 40,130,891,895 36,873,502,976
1. 이자수익 (Interest Income) 71,722,632,520 55,325,151,753
(1) 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 이자수익 (Interest Income on Financial Assets at Fair Valuethrough Other Comprehensive Income) - -
(2) 상각후원가측정 금융자산 이자수익 (Interest Income on Financial Assets Measured at Amortized Cost) 71,722,632,520 55,325,151,753
2. 이자비용 (Interest Expense) 31,591,740,625 18,451,648,777
II. 순수수료이익(손실) (Net Fee and Commission Income(Loss)) 389,586,091 1,188,454,830
1. 수수료수익 (Fee and Commission Income) 2,195,717,037 2,738,122,038
2. 수수료비용 (Commission Expense) 1,806,130,946 1,549,667,208
Ⅲ. 당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련손익 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 6,046,477,420 4,009,520,213
IV. 기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련손익 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 455,000,000 -
V. 금융자산관련 손상차손 (Impairment Loss on Financial Assets) 13,044,993,570 1,313,949,060
VI. 외환거래순이익(손실) (Net Income(Loss) on Foreign Exchange) 286,798,119 22,280,059
VII. 일반관리비 (General and Administrative Expenses) 9,715,176,341 9,969,226,329
VIII. 기타영업순이익(손실) (Net Other Operating Income(Loss)) (250,947,046) 3,767,938,092
Ⅸ. 영업이익 (Operating Income) 24,297,636,568 34,578,520,781
(계 속)
X. 영업외순이익(손실) (Net Non-Operating Income(Loss)) (2,537,087) (200,020,515)
XI. 법인세비용차감전순이익 (Income Before Income Tax Expenses) 24,295,099,481 34,378,500,266
XII. 법인세비용 (Income Tax Expenses) 3,747,542,589 8,863,918,512
XIII. 연결당기순이익 (Net Income) 20,547,556,892 25,514,581,754
[ 대손준비금반영후 조정이익 ] (Adjusted Income after Reserves for Credit Losses) 20,547,556,892 25,514,581,754
XIV. 당기기타포괄손익 (Other Comprehensive Income, net of tax) 1,049,844,407 (807,294,864)
1. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 포괄손익 (Subsequently Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) 1,049,844,407 (275,836,507)
(1) 해외사업장환산손익 (Net Income(Loss) on Translation of Foreign Operations) 1,049,844,407 (275,836,507)
2. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 포괄손익 (Subsequently not Reclassified to Profit or Loss Items) - (531,458,357)
(1) 기타포괄손익인식금융자산평가손익 (Gain(loss) on Valuation of Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) - (531,458,357)
(2) 확정급여제도의 재측정요소 (Remeasurement of the net Defined Benefit Liability) - -
XV. 연결당기총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income) 21,597,401,299 24,707,286,890
1. 연결당기순이익의 귀속 (Net Income Attributable to : )
지배주주지분순이익 (Net Income in Controlling Interest) 20,481,228,857 25,401,476,076
비지배주주지분순이익 (Net Income in Non-Controlling Interest) 66,328,035 113,105,678
2. 연결당기총포괄이익의 귀속 (Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to : )
지배주주지분총괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income in Controlling Interest) 21,471,782,139 24,639,982,260
비지배주주지분총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income in Non-Controlling Interest) 125,619,160 67,304,630
XVI. 기본및희석주당순이익 (Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share) 674 836


Hi Asset BS(Separated)
재 무 상 태 표 (Statesments of Financial Position)
제 25(당)기 1분기말 2023년 03월 31일 현재
제 24(전)기 말 2022년 12월 31일 현재
하이자산운용주식회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 25(당)기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 24(전)기 말 As of December 31, 2022
자 산 (Assets)
I. 현금및예치금 (Cash and Deposit) 2,042,956,448 1,241,240,203
II. 당기손익-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit or Loss) 27,957,110,687 34,256,624,395
Ⅲ. 기타포괄-공정가치측정 금융자산 (Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) 249,150,000 249,150,000
Ⅳ. 상각후원가측정 대출채권및수취채권 (Loans and Receivables at Amortised Cost) - -
Ⅴ. 관계회사투자지분 (Investments in Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint Venteures) 35,380,167,915 32,925,216,530
Ⅵ. 유형자산 (Tangible Assets) 498,711,299 625,711,712
Ⅶ. 무형자산 (Intangible Assets) 5,029,544,544 5,113,659,803
Ⅷ. 당기법인세자산 (Current Tax Assets) - -
Ⅸ. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred Tax Asset) - 193,806,733
Ⅹ. 기타자산 (Other Assets) 2,813,010,904 3,195,095,557
자 산 총 계 (Total Assets) 73,970,651,797 77,800,504,933
과 목 제 25(당)기 1분기말 As of March 31, 2023 제 24(전)기 말 As of December 31, 2022
부 채 (Liabilities)
Ⅰ.금융부채 (Financial Liabilities) 849,971,029 1,493,700,159
Ⅱ.기타부채 (Other Liabilities) 1,707,481,991 6,467,745,376
Ⅲ. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred Tax Liability) - -
부 채 총 계 (Total Liabilities) 2,557,453,020 7,961,445,535
자 본 (Stockholders` Equity)
I. 자본금 (Capital Stock) 19,173,495,000 19,173,495,000
II. 자본잉여금 (Capital Surplus) 30,967,781,278 30,967,781,278
III.기타포괄손익누계액 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income , Net of Taxes) - -
IV.이익잉여금 (Retained Earnings) 21,271,922,499 19,697,783,120
자 본 총 계 (Total Stockholders' Equity) 71,413,198,777 69,839,059,398
부채 및 자본 총계 (Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity) 73,970,651,797 77,800,504,933


Hi Asset PL(Separated)
포 괄 손 익 계 산 서 (Statement of Comprehensive Income)
제 25(당)기 1분기 2023년 1월 1일부터 2023년 3월 31일까지
제 24(전)기 1분기 2022년 1월 1일부터 2022년 3월 31일까지
하이자산운용주식회사 (단위: 원(Unit:Won))
과 목 제 25 (당)기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2023 제 24 (전)기 1분기 For the period ended March 31, 2022
Ⅰ.영업수익 (Operating Income) 5,275,997,697 4,750,490,538
1.운용보수 (Operation Income) 2,029,456,416 2,510,406,174
2.수수료수익 (Fee and Commission Income) 1,861,459,667 2,073,021,325
3.당기손익-공정가치측정 금융상품관련이익 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Profit) 200,486,292 52,844,800
4.관계기업 및 종속기업투자관련 이익 (Gains in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, Associates) 1,074,121,351 82,140,214
5.이자수익 (Interest Income) 110,473,971 32,078,025
6.배당금수익 (Interest Income) - -
7.기타의 영업수익 (Others) - -
Ⅱ.영업비용 (Operating Expenses & Claims) 3,211,655,517 2,912,117,758
1.수수료비용 (Commission Expense) 161,205,077 165,243,337
2.당기손익-공정가치측정 금융상품관련손실 (Net Income on Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Loss) - -
3.관계기업 및 종속기업투자관련 손실 (Losses in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, Associates) 3,714,726 100,172,998
4.판매비와관리비 (Selling and Administrative Expenses) 3,048,384,470 2,647,987,742
5.기타의 영업비용 (Others) (1,648,756) (1,286,319)
Ⅲ.영업이익 (Net Operating Income) 2,064,342,180 1,838,372,780
Ⅳ.영업외수익 (Other operating profit) 2,506,792 3,635,109
Ⅴ.영업외비용 (Other Operating Loss) 2,459,777 3,900,286
Ⅵ.법인세비용차감전순이익 (Income Tax Expenses) 2,064,389,195 1,838,107,603
Ⅶ.법인세비용 (Income Tax Expenses) 490,249,816 451,471,623
Ⅷ.당기순이익 (Net Income for the Period) 1,574,139,379 1,386,635,980
Ⅸ.기타포괄손익 (Other Comprehensive Income, net of income tax) - -
1. 후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 항목 (Items subsequently reclassified to net income)
매도가능금융자산평가손익 등 (Valuation of fair value of financial assets AFS) - -
2.후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 항목 (Items not subsequently reclassified to net income)
확정급여부채 재측정요소 (Remeasurement elements of defined benefit obligation) - -
Ⅹ.총포괄이익(손실) (Total Comprehensive Income for the Period) 1,574,139,379 1,386,635,980




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DGB Financial Group published this content on 27 April 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 April 2023 07:47:09 UTC.