JHSF PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF): 08.294.224/0001-65 Publicly-Held Company MATERIAL FACT

JHSF Participações S.A. ("JHSF" or "Company"), pursuant to Article 157 of Law 6404/76 and CVM Instruction. 358/02 and subsequent amendments, hereby communicates that it was informed that its indirect controlling shareholder, José Auriemo Neto, and shareholder Fabio Roberto Chimenti Auriemo (collectively, "Shareholders"), will contract Itaú Unibanco S.A. to conduct operations to exchange the results of financial flows referenced to the shares issued by the Company ("Swap Transactions"), with a total nominal amount of fifty million reais (R$50,000,000.00), divided equally between the Shareholders.
In these Swap Transactions, the Shareholders will (i) receive from variations in the price of the shares issued by the Company and (ii) be liable for changes in the CDI percentage, adjusted by a spread predetermined by Itaú Unibanco S.A. In addition, the cited Swap Transactions may be contracted within a term of one hundred and eighty days (180 days), from the present date, with a settlement period of up to three (3) years, from the date of the completion of each Swap Transaction.
The result of each Swap Transaction, at the end of its respective term, will only be settled financially, without any change to the participation of the Shareholders or the free float percentage.
São Paulo, December 19, 2013
Eduardo S. Camara
Vice President and Investor Relations Officer

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