On December 19, 2023, Jilin University Zhengyuan Information Technologies Co., Ltd. closed the transaction. The company issued 11,439,127 A shares at an issue price of CNY 15.71 per share for the gross proceeds of CNY 179,708,685.17. The net proceeds of the transaction is CNY 176,634,855.83.

The company has disclosed the issue expenses of CNY 3,073,829.34. After the completion of the issuance, the subscribed shares to target in this issuance cannot be transferred within 3 years after the closing date of this issuance, starting on January 4, 2024. Moreover, the company shares held by the issuance target prior to this issuance cannot be transferred within 18 months after the closing date of this issuance, starting on January 4, 2024.

Before transaction, the investor held 9,616,759 shares for 5.21% and post completion 21,055,886 shares and 10.75% stake.