SEVENUM (dpa-AFX) - Shop Apotheke expects continued high growth in the business with non-prescription drugs in the current year. Sales in this area should increase between 10 and 20 percent in 2023, the SDax-listed mail-order drug company announced in Sevenum on Tuesday. In the past year, this size - as already known - increased by 17 percent to 1.07 billion euros. The forecast is thus in line with the expectations of analysts covered by Bloomberg. At the same time, Shop Apotheke wants to earn money operationally over the year as a whole, in contrast to the last time.

The margin based on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) adjusted for special effects is expected to be between 0.5 and 2.5 percent, it added. In 2022, the profit margin from continuing operations was still minus 0.3 percent, although the figure was already positive in the third and fourth quarters. Experts surveyed by Bloomberg had previously expected a low operating profit; it was the upper end of the target range that could surprise positively./zb/mis