RetinalGenix Technologies Inc. announced the appointment of Vinay Mehindru, MD, MBA to the RetinalGenix Technologies Inc. Board of Directors. Dr. Mehindru is a multi-talented top-level executive with over 25 years of healthcare experience. His leadership spans population health and financial performance management.

He has led multiple physician performance enhancement strategies and built stakeholder alliances with clinical and financial integration. He is currently serving on the board of directors of Sanovas Inc., SteriView™ Technologies Inc., Intubation Science™, Inc, SinuGeniX™ Inc., OtoGeniX™ Inc., PulmoGeniX™ Technologies Inc., and GastroGeniX™ Inc. Graduating from medical school at age 21, Dr. Mehindru was one of the youngest graduates in his country of birth, India. At age 27, he served on the faculty of the Cleveland Clinic where he was a top-tier internal medicine resident and did research in gastroenterology.

Vinay has a second residency from the University of Florida in emergency medicine. Vinay joined a private group of emergency physicians on the east coast of Florida with 47 providers, 75 employees, and over 100,000 annual visits. He has tremendous experience in airway management; working at a level-two trauma center for 10 years.

For 16 years, he had been an instructor teaching difficult airway management for both cardiovascular life support and pediatric advanced life support. At the University of Texas at Dallas, he received an Executive MBA with honors, earning the Beta Gamma Sigma Award offered only to the world's top 5% of business students. Dr. Mehindru is the Founder & CEO of Exemplary Health.

With AdventHealth he has been a Chief Medical Officer and was President of AdventHealth's Physician Network, Tampa Bay.