Robex Resources Inc. is introducing MM. Simon Boudreau and Nicolas Ros respectively mine director and head of legal affairs and human resources of the company. Mr. Boudreau is the mine director of Nampala since January 2014.

Prior to taking office, he worked as an independent consultant (2012-2013), held positions of project director at Dumas Contracting Ltd. (2010-2012) and chief engineer at High River Gold (2006-2010). Mr. Ros is the head of legal affairs and HR for both the Nampala mine and Robex in Mali. Prior to Robex, he was acting as general counsel of several companies in Europe like Panhard General Defense, Alten where he was also in charge of HR, Transiciel-Sogeti for 10 years where he was in charge of individual relations.

He was also deputy legal director at Sligos-Atos for 12 years.