The board of directors of Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited announced that Mr. WAN Siu Wah Wilson (Mr. Wan), an independent non-executive Director and the member of each of the audit committee and remuneration committee of the Company, had passed away on 8 January 2021. Following the passing away of Mr. Wan, the composition of each of the audit committee and remuneration committee of the Company can still comply with the requirements under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Listing Rules) and the respective terms of reference, and the compositions of each of the aforesaid committees will be changed as follows: the audit committee is composed of Mr. Bai Hua (chairman of committee) (independent non-executive director), Mr. Li Fei Long (independent non-executive director) and Ms. Li Xiao Yan (non-executive director); and the remuneration committee is composed of Mr. Li Fei Long (chairman of committee) (independent non-executive director), Mr. Bai Hua (independent non-executive director) and Ms. Li Xiao Yan (non-executive director).