Spectral Medical Inc. announced that it has enrolled a total of 76 patients for the Company's Tigris trial, a Phase 3 follow-on study evaluating the use of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion ("PMX") in a randomized controlled trial of adults treated for endotoxemia and septic shock. Emory Healthcare newest trial site addition (Tigris site #20) enrolling out of two hospitals. University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) continue to be strong Tigris enrollers, with the enrollment of patients 75 and 76 at the end of October.

76 patients enrolled to date and continuing to close in on the interim target of 90 patients, an important milestone as the Company's strategic commercial partner, Baxter, will have the opportunity to view the data as well as provide a second milestone payment to Spectral. Crude 28-day mortality results, thus far, continue to exceed efficacy targets.