STW Resources Holding Corp. announced the completion of the previously announced contract for the custom design, engineering and construction of the Horizon City Municipal Utility District Reverse Osmosis (RO) Concentrator. STW Water was selected as the manufacturer/technology integrator for the $2.2 million project and will maintain the system under a contract with Horizon City.

The existing municipal reverse osmosis plant in Horizon City is 13 years old and could produce only 7 to 9 million gallons per day of processed water. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the facility discharged approximately 1 million gallons per day of brine water unsuitable for human consumption which was directed to existing evaporation ponds. Because these ponds didn't evaporate at the anticipated rate, there was a need for more ponds an option that was not economically attractive due to land costs.

The solution from STW and its engineering partner, TRE & Associates, was to design and manufacture the reverse osmosis concentrator to remedy the evaporation pond issue while neutralizing potential environmental concerns. With the new system, approximately one-half of the effluent (processed water) can now be utilized and the other half can be reclaimed back into the distribution system. This effluent can be blended with permeate from the other reverse osmosis systems into the final tanks.

The concentrator itself is an economical alternative to land acquisition and additional ponds for other municipalities.