Aduro Clean Technologies Inc. announced the onboarding of a leading, multinational building materials company ("MBM Company" or the "Client") to its Customer Engagement Program (CEP). MBM Company, with extensive manufacturing operations across over 20 countries and a global distribution reach, generates multi-billion-dollar annual revenues. The Client is recognized for its vast range of building materials and is dedicated to promoting sustainability through material circularity-emphasizing the recycling and reuse of materials across its product lines.

Their extensive product line includes solutions for infrastructure, energy systems, municipal sewer, ventilation, and water treatment. The engagement will begin with a technical evaluation project focused on assessing the potential of HydrochemolyticTM Technology (HCT) for recycling cross-linked polymers, a key material in the client's product range. The test samples will be sourced from waste streams at the client's production facilities.

Cross-linked polymers, essential and versatile materials, are foundational across a myriad of industries due to their superior durability, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength. They are ubiquitous and found in everyday items such as automotive tires, rubber tires, conveyor belts, seals, tubes, hoses, household adhesives, protective coatings, and medical devices. Moreover, their significance extends to critical sectors like aerospace, automotive, construction, and electronics, where their exceptional properties are indispensable.

However, the very attributes that make cross-linked polymers invaluable also pose a significant recycling challenge. Unlike thermoplastics, these materials do not melt under heat; instead, they are exceedingly difficult to decompose. When subjected to the very high temperatures necessary for their breakdown, they primarily degrade into char and fuel gas, substances unsuitable for repurposing into new materials.

This limitation not only underscores the need for innovative recycling technologies but also highlights the urgency of developing sustainable lifecycle management strategies for cross-linked polymers.