Aldoro Resources Limited announced the completion of the current phase of diamond drilling with 3 additional holes (NDD0027-29) intersecting thick sections of disseminated sulphides with which are undergoing submission for expedited analytical testing. The additional three holes bring the total to 7 diamond holes for 2,949m for the current phase of drilling. A total of 264m of visually prospective core over 3 holes is currently undergoing analysis at Intertek Genalysis.

Details of the first part of the programme were released 17th January 2023. The gradient array IP survey was completed over Narndee Target 3 revealing continuity in the chargeability trends from the IP sounding conducted in the southern survey area. The recent drilling targeted the Central high chargeability anomaly (NDD0027) and the extension of the Eastern anomaly (NDD0028-29).

At hole NDD0027 from 180m onwards fine interstitial pentlandite was visible with the most abundant noted between the 350-380m interval. The 348-400m interval is being cut and analysed at Intertek. At the eastern anomaly, the target is over 900m long and hole NDD0025 reported 4m@ 0.57g/t Pd, 0.09g/t Pt and 0.04g/t Au (0.69g/t 3E) and 0.54% Ni, 0.15% Cu from 247m.

Two additional holes were drilled further along strike in an attempt to intersect thicker mineralisation. Hole NDD0028 intersected pentlandite from 90m and disseminated sulphides to the end of the hole at 346.8m where a large cavity was intersected resulting in the loss of the drill rods & the hole being terminated. Chalcopyrite zones were noted at 304.7m-329m, 339.5m-EOH.

Intertek are analysing a total of 104m of core from hole NDD0028 for intervals between 183m -247m and 292m - 332m. In the final hole NDD0029 chalcopyrite was noted from 284.9-317m, which will also be analysed at the Intertek laboratory. The hole ended in mineralisation.