Kelt Exploration Ltd. provided an update on new gas processing capacity acquired through various firm service arrangements that are expected to provide the Company with the ability to double its current production capability over the next three years. This increase in production capability will come while the Company maintains its oil/gas production mix at similar levels to its current production mix. The Company is also providing an update on upcoming plant maintenance that is expected to result in temporary production curtailments in the near term.

In its Wembley/Pipestone Division, Kelt expects to increase firm service raw gas processing capacity from 37 MMcf per day to 109 MMcf per day over the next 18 months. The Company has entered into gas processing arrangements with certain midstream companies that are building a new gas processing plant and expanding an existing gas processing plant in the area. The additional 22 MMcf per day of firm service processing capacity that was anticipated by Kelt to become available in the first quarter of 2024, could become available in late December 2023.

As the Company prepares to add production upon start-up of the incremental gas processing, Kelt has drilled nine Montney wells at Wembley/Pipestone of which seven have now been completed and the remaining two wells are expected to be completed in October 2023. The Company expects to flow these wells back and use its current gas processing capacity to produce these oilier wells while at the same time shut-in older gassier wells as it awaits the start-up of new incremental processing capacity. Kelt will have access, through ownership interests and firm service arrangements, to five different gas processing plants in the Wembley/Pipestone area, providing the Company with operating flexibility and the ability to significantly grow its production base in the future.

In its Pouce Coupe/Progress/Spirit River Division, Kelt currently has access to approximately 72 MMcf per day of raw gas processing capacity through a plant ownership interest and third-party facility firm service arrangements. Kelt expects to increase its overall raw gas processing capacity in the area to 107 MMcf per day over the next two years with incremental firm service arrangements, giving the Company access to five different gas plants in the area. The Company expects to start-up four new Charlie Lake wells in the area during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Two wells (100% WI) are in the Company's new area at Pouce Coupe North and the other two wells (50% WI) are at Progress. In its Oak/Flatrock Division, Kelt has the ability to increase firm service raw gas processing capacity from 25 MMcf per day to 90 MMcf per day over the next 30 months through gas processing arrangements with a third-party. Kelt expects to put on production five new Montney wells in October 2023 and expects to have an active drilling program in the area in 2024.