The Board of SpectrumOne AB announced the appointment of Stephen Karl Ranson as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. With over twenty years of experience in the tech sector, Mr. Ranson brings a wealth of expertise to this role, particularly in the realms of data visualization and analysis. Stephen Karl Ranson, the founder and CEO of Cloud Explorers AS, SpectrumOne's Norwegian subsidiary, has been leading innovative projects and driving substantial growth.

His strategic vision and technical prowess have consistently resulted in breakthroughs that have set industry benchmarks. Under Mr. Ranson's leadership, SpectrumOne is poised to explore new horizons and cement its position as a frontrunner in the data visualization and analysis industry. His unique blend of technical insight and business acumen aligns seamlessly with the company's strategic objectives.

While the company embark on this exciting new chapter, SpectrumOne extends its gratitude to Kenneth Dalquist Valbøll for his tenure as CEO since October 2022.